Showing 1 - 10 of 1,499
In der Frage der Bankenregulierung wird derzeit über das richtige Konzept diskutiert. Soll der mit Basel II verfolgte Ansatz der am Risiko der jeweiligen Bank orientierten Eigenkapitalunterlegung ausgebaut oder eine nicht-risikoorientierte Kennziffer wie die Leverage Ratio (bilanzielles...
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This paper seeks to draw lessons from the IMF’s experience in handling financial crises around the globe over the past ten years that are relevant to the challenges faced by countries in Latin America, especially in the wake of the recent crisis in Argentina. Experience suggests that...
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We assess the extent to which loan losses affect banks’ provision of credit to companies and households and examine how feedback from losses to a reduction in credit is affected by the monetary policy stance. Using a unique cross-country dataset of more than 600 banks from 32 countries, we...
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This paper explores factors behind Canadian banks' relative resilience in the ongoing credit turmoil. We identify two main causes: a higher share of depository funding (vs. wholesale funding) in liabilities, and a number of regulatory and structural factors in the Canadian market that reduced...
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This paper studies how Uruguay's regulatory framework was gradually strengthened to address shortcomings identified during the 2002-03 crisis, to align with international standards and, more recently, to deal with cyclical pressures resulting in an acceleration of bank lending. In particular,...
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The staff report on Canada’s 2009 Article IV Consultation examines economic developments and policies. Canadian banks have weathered the crisis better than major-country peers, but the credit cycle will be challenging, particularly given high household debt. Financial instability is a...
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Hat die heutige Finanzmarktkrise instabile Marktmechanismen oder mangelnde Regulierung als Ursache? Christoph Kaserer, Technische Universität München, sieht in einer Kombination aus einem Regulierungsversagen und einem ungelösten Moral-Hazard-Konflikt bei Finanzinstitutionen den Grund für...
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This Selected Issues paper for Bulgaria highlights that the rapid credit expansion has not raised significant financial stability issues, but has been a key factor in the sharp weakening of the external current account. Although the deficit has been mostly financed by foreign direct investment...
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This study examines how depositors choose among different banks and over time in Colombia, focusing on whether they discipline bank behavior. By controlling for a more comprehensive set of risk/return factors, the study improves upon conventional market discipline tests. Panel data estimations...
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