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datasets where the number of fixed effects makes standard estimation techniques infeasible. The methods work for balanced and … unbalanced panels and increase the speed of estimation without imposing excessive computational demands. I will apply the methods …
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We suggest a new way to quantify the growth effects of capital mobility. We find that for reasonable parameter values, capital mobility has a large impact on income growth.
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One reason why countries service their external debts is the fear that default might lead to shrinkage of international trade. If so, then creditors should systematically lend more to countries with which they share closer trade links. We develop a simple theoretical model to capture this...
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value than does integrating them into a smaller loss. Using a generic prospect theory value function, we formalize this …
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Openness appears to have a strong impact on economic growth especially in DCs, which typically exhibit a high share of physical capital in factor income and a low share of labor. In the neoclassical growth model with partial capital mobility, physical capital?s share in factor income determines...
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effects. Although our theory contains no money illusion, no permanent nominal rigidities, and no departure from rational …
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We estimate changes in the productivity of schooling for six East Asian countries. Our productivity measure is based on changes in the relative price of schooling. A rising price of schooling relative to other labor-intensive service sectors should indicate declining relative schooling...
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