Showing 1 - 10 of 175
The debate on the response of hours worked after productivity improvements is still an open issue in the theoretical and empirical literature. In this work we show that, once conditional correlations are taken into account, both hours and investment decline temporarily following a positive...
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The theoretical literature on business cycles predicts a positive investment response to productivity improvements, a prediction we question from theoretical and empirical perspectives. We show that a short-term negative response of investment to a positive technology shock is consistent with a...
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This paper adds to the large literature on the e¤ects of technology shocks empirically and theoretically. Using a SVEC model, we …rst show that not only hours but also investment decline temporarily following a technology improvement. This result is robust with respect to important data and...
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We apply a three-tier hierarchical model of regulation, developed along the lines of Laffont and Tirole’s (1993), to an adverse selection problem in the corporate bond market. The bank brings the bonds to the market and informs the potential buyers about the bonds’ risk; a unique...
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This paper analyzes the behavior of a central bank under strong (“Knightian”) uncertainty when the short run trade-off between output and infl‡ation is represented by the Sticky Information Phillips Curve recently proposed by Mankiw and Reis (2002). By solving the robust control...
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By introducing search and matching frictions in both the labor and the credit markets into a cash in advance New Keynesian DSGE model, we provide a novel explanation of the incomplete pass-through from policy rates to loan rates. We show that this phenomenon is ineradicable if banks possess some...
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This paper develops a simple New Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model with rule-of-thumb consumers and external habits. Our theoretical model has a closed-form solution which allows the analytical derivation of its dynamical and stability properties. These properties are...
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This paper analyses the pattern of training participation in Italy. Employing a new survey conducted on a large sample of individuals, we develop a model of bilateral training choices. In order to distinguish between workers and employers choices, we estimate a structural bivariate probit model...
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The introduction of labor market frictions into the New Keynesian DSGE model solves some of the main drawbacks of the baseline framework. In this paper we show that this extended model, by assuming real wage rigidities, fails to replicate the correct wage dynamics and the observed negative...
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Sovereign and private sector default probabilities are introduced in a monetary model to evaluate whether the consideration of a sovereign risk channel can affect the size and sign of fiÂ…scal multipliers, an hypothesis recently appeared in the literature. The model is estimated using data of...
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