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This paper is an analysis of trade policies in Mexico. A structural analysis of theMexican economy's performance in three successive but different periods, regardingtrade policies for the last thirty-five years is presented. Results are confronted with expectations from various trade policies....
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Trade liberalisation in Mexico started in a significant way in 1985/86, and was consolidated by the NAFTA agreement 1994. Mexico was expected to benefit in terms of increased export growth, employment, real wages, and above all, a faster rate of economic growth. In practice, there has been a...
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In 2005 China provided duty-free access to 190 items from 25 least developed sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. Three years later duty-free access was extended to 454 items from 31 SSA LDCs. We find no evidence that China's preferential market access program for the least developed sub-Saharan...
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This article reviews key recent literature on the effects of trade liberalization on poverty in developing countries and asks whether our knowledge has changed significantly over a decade. The conclusion that liberalization generally boosts income and thus reduces poverty has not changed; some...
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Este estudio tiene como objetivo encontrar estrategias de corto y mediano plazo para fortalecer la oferta exportable en Colombia. El estudio fue elaborado por Fedesarrollo por solicitud de Proexport con el fin de encontrar estrategias prácticas y concretas para aumentar la oferta exportable en...
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While exports of clothing from Africa to the United States responded impressively to the preferences they were granted under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), this performance was not accompanied by some of the more dynamic benefi ts that might have been hoped for. Benefi ciary...
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The study examines the implications of Lao PDR’s WTO accessions on the domestic cement, steel bar and brewery industries with a view to developing recommendations on how to concurrently manage the Government’s domestic strategic objectives with the country’s effective involvement in the...
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This study examines the global linkages of selected ASEAN countries composed of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand (hereafter ASEAN-5). While economic growth of each country undoubtedly hinges on domestic developments, it also depends on foreign trade and capital movements...
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LDCs' trade patterns changed in the past decade, thanks to the rebalancing of global demand towards large emerging countries and the resulting cycle of high international commodity prices. This process led to a wider geographical diversification of LDCs' exports but contributed also to a greater...
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El propósito central de este trabajo es evaluar el impacto del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) sobre la economía de la region, lo cual no es una tarea fácil. Desde un punto de vista analítico, es necesario combinar diversas metodologías que permitan identificar diferentes canales a través...
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