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We explain the valuation and correlation hedging of Foreign Exchange Basket Options in a multi-dimensional Black-Scholes model that allows including the smile. The technique presented is a fast analytic approximation to an accurate solution of the valuation problem.
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This paper proposes the use of analytical approximations to price an heterogeneous basket option combining commodity prices, foreign currencies and zero-coupon bonds. The performance of three moment matching approximations is examined: inverse gamma, Edgeworth expansion around the lognormal and...
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We investigate the suitability of sparse grids for solving high-dimensional option pricing and interest rate models numerically. Starting from the partial differential equation, we try to - at least partially - break the curse of dimensionality through sparse grids which will result from a...
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We develop a novel financial market model in which the stock markets of two countries are linked via and with the foreign exchange market. To be precise, there are domestic and foreign speculators in each of the two stock markets which rely either on linear technical or linear fundamental...
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This paper sets up an options-based model of the exchange rate in a target zone system according to which the observed exchange rate is equivalent to a floating exchange rate adjusted with the value of two options. The strike prices of the options are the limits of the band, but the two options...
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Az opcióalapú modellben a sávos árfolyamú deviza megfelel egy lebegő rendszerbe li devizának és két opciónak. Az opciók kötési árfolyama a sáv széleivel egyezik meg, így az opciós modell szerint a sáv eltolása a kötési árfolyamok megváltozásán ke resztül közvetlenül...
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The credit valuation adjustment (CVA) of OTC derivatives is an important part of the Basel III credit risk capital requirements and current accounting rules. Its calculation is not an easy task - not only it is necessary to model the future value of the derivative, but also the probability of...
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On September 3-4, 2009 SUERF and Utrecht University School of Economicsorganized the Colloquium "The Quest for Stability" in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The papers included in this SUERF Study are based on contributions to the Colloquium.
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Using weekly data from 2003 to 2011, this paper examines the presence of exchange rate exposure in thirteen Canadian industry sectors. This study contributes to the literature in a number of ways: (i) it considers the presence of exposure not only in the full sample but also in the pre and...
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The paper investigates the dynamics of price discovery for cross-listed firms and the impact of exchange rate shocks on firm value. A simple price discovery model is proposed in which prices in the home and foreign markets react to shocks on two latent prices, namely, the efficient firm value...
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