Showing 1 - 10 of 155
We develop a model in which limit order traders possess volatility information. We show that in this case the size of the bid-ask spread is informative about future volatility. Moreover, if volatility information is in part private, we establish that (i) the size of the bid-ask spread and (ii)...
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We analyse the effect of concealing limit order traders’ identities on market liquidity. We develop a model in which limit order traders have asymmetric information on the cost of limit order trading (which is determined by the exposure to informed trading). A thin limit order book signals to...
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As of April 23, 2001, the limit order book for stocks listed on Euronext Paris became anonymous. We study the effect of this switch to anonymity on market liquidity and the informational content of the limit order book. Our empirical analysis is based on a model of limit order trading in which...
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Lecture on the first SFB/TR 15 meeting, Gummersbach, July, 18 - 20, 2004We develop a model of limit order trading in which some traders have better information on future price volatility. As limit orders have option-like features, this information is valuable for limit order traders. We solve...
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High-speed market connections and information processing improve …nancial institutions'ability to seize trading opportunities, which raises gains from trade. They also enable fast traders to process information before slow traders, which generates adverse selection. We fi…rst analyze trading...
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High-speed market connections and information processing improve the ability to seize trading opportunities, raising gains from trade. They also enable fast traders to process information before slow traders, generating adverse selection, and thus negative externalities. When investing in fast...
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High-speed market connections improve investors' ability to search for attractive quotes in fragmented markets, raising gains from trade. They also enable fast traders to observe market information before slow traders, generating adverse selection, and thus negative externalities. When investing...
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High-speed market connections and information processing improve financial institutions' ability to seize trading opportunities, which raises gains from trade. They also enable fast traders to process information before slow traders, which generates adverse selection. We first analyze trading...
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This paper proposes a theory of rational bubbles in an economy with finite trading opportunities. Bubbles arise because agents are never sure to be last in the market sequence. This theory is used to design an experimental setting in which bubbles can be made rational or irrational by varying...
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This paper analyzes the rationale for the submission of hidden limit orders, and compares opaque and transparent limit order books. In my sequential model, the limit order trader may be informed with some probability. Both informed and large uninformed liquidity suppliers submit hidden orders in...
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