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Sharpe style regression has become a widespread analytic tool in the financial community. The style regression allows one to investigate such interesting issues as style composition, style sensitivity, and style change over time. All previous methods to obtain the distribution and confidence...
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We explore the extension of James-Stein type estimators in a direction that enables them to preserve their superiority when the sample size goes to infinity. Instead of shrinking a base estimator towards a fixed point, we shrink it towards a data-dependent point. We provide an analytic...
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We explore the extension of James-Stein type estimators in a direction that enables them to preserve their superiority when the sample size goes to infinity. Instead of shrinking a base estimator towards a fixed point, we shrink it towards a data-dependent point. We provide an analytic...
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To date the literature on quantile regression and least absolute deviation regression has assumed either explicitly or implicitly that the conditional quantile regression model is correctly specified. When the model is misspecified, confidence intervals and hypothesis tests based on the...
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For both the academic and the financial communities it is a familiar stylized fact that stock market returns have negative skewness and excess kurtosis. This stylized fact has been supported by a vast collection of empirical studies. Given that the conventional measures of skewness and kurtosis...
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Engle and Manganelli (2004) propose CAViaR, a class of models suitable for estimating conditional quantiles in dynamic settings. Engle and Manganelli apply their approach to the estimation of Value at Risk, but this is only one of many possible applications. Here we extend CAViaR models to...
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This paper proposes methods for estimation and inference in multivariate, multi-quantile models. The theory can simultaneously accommodate models with multiple random variables, multiple confidence levels, and multiple lags of the associated quantiles. The proposed framework can be conveniently...
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Economics is primarily a non-experimental science. Typically, we cannot generate new data sets on which to test hypotheses independently of the data that may have led to a particular theory. The common practice of using the same data set to formulate and test hypotheses introduces data-snooping...
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Let H be an infinite-dimentional real separable Hilbert space. Given an unknown mapping M : H (arrow) H that can only be observed with noise, we consider two modified Robbins-Monro procedures to estimate the zero point (theta) (subscript 0) ? H of M. These procedures work in appropriate finite...
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