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We estimate a SVAR for the Australian economy based on an open economy New Keynesian model. Deep structural parameters are identified by placing exclusion restrictions on the VAR residuals and the covariance matrix. Parameter estimates suggest that the New Keynesian specification fits Australian...
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This paper proposes an empirical analysis of monetary policy shocks effects on the real economic aggregates and prices with the help of vector autoregressive (VAR) in the context of Central and Eastern European countries. Model specification is different for each type of monetary policy...
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We estimate a SVAR for the Australian economy based on an open economy New Keynesian model. Deep structural parameters are identified by placing exclusion restrictions on the VAR residuals and the covariance matrix. Parameter estimates suggest that the New Keynesian specification fits Australian...
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The paper aims to investigate the potential impact of unemployment rates (both recorded and ILO) on the Romanian shadow economy (SE) for quarterly data covering the period 2000-2013, using ARDL cointegration method in conjunction with the structural VAR (SVAR) analysis in order to provide...
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This paper characterizes the monetary policy in Brazil through a forward-looking Taylor-rule-type reaction function before and after the Real plan, which stabilized inflation in July 1994. The results show that the interest rate response to inflation was greater than one-to-one before...
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A conventional finding of recursive structural VAR (SVAR) analyses is the price puzzle namely the positive relationship between interest rates and inflation. We employ a Markov regime-switching structural VAR (MRS-SVAR) to investigate whether the price puzzle is present at regimes where there is...
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For the purpose of monetary policy analyses dynamic multivariate models are usually applied. The reason is the presence of significant lags between an action and the appropriate effects in the economy. We use the concept of structural VAR models, widely used approach next to the DSGE and...
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Para los bancos centrales con régimen de inflación-objetivo modificar la tasa de interés de política monetaria como respuesta a la apreciación de la tasa cambio puede poner en riesgo el cumplimiento de la meta de inflación. Este trabajo determina qué tan importante ha sido el...
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In this research note I propose the use of the undetermined coefficients method as an alternative approach to solve the Central Bank optimization problem in a neo-keynesian economy. The advantage of using this method is that it provides a theory as to how rational expectations are constructed,...
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The paper analyzes the monetary policy transmission mechanism in Romania focusing on the exchange rate channel. The analysis is made in the context of an economy described by a mix of institutional and market behaviors illustrated by a SVAR model in which the restrictions imposed on the...
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