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In this paper we analyze the small sample properties of full information and limited information estimators in a potentially misspecified DSGE model. Therefore, we conduct a simulation study based on a standard New Keynesian model including price and wage rigidities. We then study the effects of...
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This paper studies the averaging generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator that combines a conservative GMM estimator based on valid moment conditions and an aggressive GMM estimator based on both valid and possibly misspecified moment conditions, where the weight is the sample analog of an...
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This discussion paper resulted in a publication in <I>Econometric Reviews</I>. Vol. 33(1-4), 3-35.<P> We discuss Bayesian inferential procedures within the family of instrumental variables regression models and focus on two issues: existence conditions for posterior moments of the parameters of interest...</p></i>
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Lottery estimates suggest oversubscribed urban charter schools boost student achievement markedly. But these estimates needn't capture treatment effects for students who haven't applied to charter schools or for students attending charters for which demand is weak. This paper reports estimates...
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This paper aims to study the impact of teachers´ professionalization degree on the quality of schools, measured by student performance on the standardized test SABER11. We use instrumental variables (IV) models, in order to overcome possible endogeneity problems. The results indicate that the...
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We analyze linear models with a single endogenous regressor in the presence of many instrumental variables. We weaken a key assumption typically made in this literature by allowing all the instruments to have direct effects on the outcome. We consider restrictions on these direct effects that...
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This paper provides a brief review of the current state of knowledge on the topic of weakly-identified instrumental variable regression. We describe the essence of the problem of weak identification, possible methods for detecting it in applied work as well as methods robust to weak...
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El presente artículo tiene por objetivo estudiar el impacto del grado de profesionalización de los docentes sobre los resultados en la calidad de la educación escolar, medida por medio del desempeño académico de los estudiantes en la Prueba Saber 11. Para esto, se emplean modelos de...
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In the canonical regression discontinuity (RD) design for applicants who face an award or admissions cutoff, causal effects are nonparametrically identified for those near the cutoff. The impact of treatment on inframarginal applicants is also of interest, but identification of such effects...
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In the last two decades, there has been a lot of empirical evidence suggesting that many macroeconometric and financial models (e.g. for inflation, interest rates, or exchange rates) are subject to both parameter instability and identification problems. In this paper, we address both issues in a...
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