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This paper studies the role of monetary and open economy indicators in inflation targeting (IT) economies through the analysis of a nested Phillips curve/ P-star model for Chile and Mexico. For Chile a real money gap and a money growth indicator are found to be relevant in predicting deviations...
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This paper extends the efficiency wages/partially adaptive expectations Phillips curve, otherwise known as the price-price Phillips curve, from a closed economy context to an open economy one with both commodity trade and capital mobility. We also consider the case of a monetary union (a...
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This paper provides evidence for a low frequency relationship between unemployment, inflation and the nominal interest rate. I show that in the United States from 1959.1 to 1991.3, the unemployment rate, the inflation rate and the federal funds rate can be modelled as non stationary time series...
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bounds test for cointegration, Johansen and Juselius (1990) multivariate cointegration test, Granger causality …
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This paper attempts a resolution of the Fisher effect puzzle in terms of estimator choice. Using both short-term and long-term interest rates for 14 OECD countries, we find ample evidence supporting the existence of a long-run Fisher effect in which interest rates move oneto- one with inflation....
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Theoretical study identifying one modality with conditions necesary for the financial stabilization of an inherently unstable system; and 5040 other unstable dynamic modes. It draws on knowledge made available by the academic field of Control Engineering.
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In this paper we examine tests for cointegration which allow for the possibility of regime shifts. We propose augmented … Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips type tests designed to test the null of no cointegration against the alternative of … cointegration in the presence of a possible regime shift. In particular we consider cases where the intercept and/or slope …
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I propose an econometric model that improves upon existing methods of estimating the natural rate of unemployment (NAIRU) by using information contained in the trend of productivity growth. My approach enhances the recently proposed model of Staiger, Stock and Watson (1997) in several respects....
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In this lecture, I explain what the microfoundations of money are about and why they are necessary for monetary economics. Then, I review recent developments of a particular microfoundation of money, commonly known as the search theory of money. Finally, I outline some unresolved issues.
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Woodford (2003) describes a popular class of neo-Wicksellian models in which monetary policy is characterized by an interest-rate rule, and the money market and financial institutions are typically not even modeled. Critics contend that these models are incomplete and unsuitable for...
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