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When bidders are not substitutes, we show that there is no standard ascend-ing auction that implements a bidder-optimal competitive equilibrium under truthful bidding. Such an impossibility holds also in environments where the Vickrey payoff vector is a competitive equilibrium payoff and is thus...
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In the symmetric independent private value model, we revisit auctions with entry by adding two additional ingredients: difficulties to commit to the announced mechanism, in particular not to update the reserve price after bidders took their entry decisions, and seller's ex ante uncertainty on...
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Brendstrup (2007) and Brendstrup and Paarsch (2006) claim that sequential English auction models with multi-unit demand can be identified from the distribution of the last stage winning price and without any assumption on bidding behavior in the earliest stages. We show that their identification...
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We consider standard auction models when bidders' identities are not observed by the econometrician. First, we adapt the definition of identifiability to a framework with anonymous bids and we explore the extent to which anonymity reduces the possibility to identify private value auction models....
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We consider the implementation of an economic outcome undercomplete information when the principal cannot commit to a simultaneousparticipation game. From a general class of sequential decentralizedparticipation processes and without common knowledge onthe details of the process, we introduce...
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This comment nds an error in Cai, Riley and Ye [2] in presenceof informational externalities between bidders, the correction of whichgives a broader view on their comparative statics results with respectto n, the number of bidders. A linear specication of the informationalexternalities between...
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The analysis of second price auctions with externalities is utterlymodied if the seller is unable to commit not to participate in themechanism. For the General Symmetric Model (Milgrom and Weber[20]) and standard auction formats, we charaterize the full set of symmetricpure strategy equilibria...
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We consider standard auction models when bidders' identities arenot observed by the econometrician. First, we adapt the denition ofidentiability to a framework with anonymous bids and we explore theextent to which anonymity reduces the possibility to identify privatevalue auction models. Second,...
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We introduce contingent auction mechanisms, which is a supersetof combinatorial auctions, and where bidders submit bids on packagesthat are contingent on the whole nal assignment. Without externalities,the Vickrey and the Ausubel-Milgrom Proxy Auction areboth robust if items are perceived as...
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