Showing 1 - 10 of 31
This paper proposes a regional comparison of ex-post inequality of opportunity in France by measuring, within each region, the inequality between individuals exerting the same effort. According to the concept of equality of opportunity, inequalities due to factors for which the individual is not...
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Fleurbaey and Maniquet have proposed the criteria of conditional equality and of egalitarian equivalence to assess the equity among individuals in an ordinal setting. Empirical applications are rare and only partially consistent with their framework. We propose a new empirical approach that...
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This paper proposes an ex-post measure of inequality of opportunity in France and its regions by assessing the inequality between individuals exerting the same effort. To this end, we define a fair income that fulfils ex-post equality of opportunity requirements. Unfairness is measured by an...
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Fleurbaey and Maniquet have proposed the criteria of conditional equality and of egalitarian equivalence to assess the equity among individuals in an ordinal setting. Empirical applications are rare and only partially consistent with their framework. We propose a new empirical approach that...
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Family businesses are an important part of the world economy (Anderson and Reeb, 2003) and show significant differences in their corporate governance compared to non-family firms. Although displaying evident unique features, family firms have received relatively little attention as distinct from...
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Hedging strategies for commodity prices largely rely on dynamic models to compute optimal hedge ratios. This paper illustrates the importance of considering the commodity inventory effect (effect by which the commodity price volatility increases more after a positive shock than after a negative...
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Markov-switching models are usually specified under the assumption that all the parameters change when a regime switch occurs. Relaxing this hypothesis and being able to detect which parameters evolve over time is relevant for interpreting the changes in the dynamics of the series, for...
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En raison de l’aggravation de la crise financière, du recul de l’activité économique dans de nombreux pays avancés, et d’une dégradation particulièrement sévère des anticipations des ménages et des entreprises, les perspectives macroéconomiques pour la Belgique se sont fortement...
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Les indicateurs économiques indiquant une reprise économique plus vive que prévu il y a quelques mois, notre prévision de croissance de l’économie belge en 2010 a été révisée en hausse, à 1,5 %, contre 0,7 % dans notre projection d’octobre. Le raffermissement attendu de...
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La récession s’est aggravée en début d’année. Le climat économique étant toujours fortement déprimé, les perspectives économiques 2009-2010 sont pessimistes. Certains signes d’amélioration apparus récemment laissent néanmoins penser que le creux de la récession a été atteint...
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