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Exchange rates typically exhibit time-varying patterns in both means and variances. The histograms of such series indicate heavy tails. In this paper we construct models which enable a decision-maker to analyze the implications of such time series patterns for currency risk management. Our...
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This discussion paper led to a publication in the 'Journal of Applied Econometrics', 2000, 15(6), pages 671-696.<P> Exchange rates typically exhibit time-varying patterns in both means andvariances. The histograms of such series indicate heavy tails. In thispaper we construct models which enable a...</p>
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Much of the research in labor economics during the 1980s and the early 1990s was devoted to the analysis of changes in the wage structure across many of the world’s economies. Only recently, has research turned to the analysis of mobility in its various guises. From the life cycle perspective,...
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We analyze the effect of land reform legislation on labor market dynamics in the Romanian economy. We show that the agricultural sector, a source of precarious employment, has become an absorbing state for certain categories of workers who lost their jobs in the nonagricultural sector. A random...
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The paper compares the cointegration methods of Johansen and Bierens by means of simulations and a real world example. Drawing on the fact developed in a companion paper that the Johansen procedure has robustness properties against ARMA systems and the Bierens procedure is designed for ARMA...
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The aggregate production function approach is one way to forecast future energy demand (a step in forecasting carbon dioxide emissions, for example) and to analyze the aggregate economic effects of measures such as the increase of taxes on energy use. The results of such an approach tend to...
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Bivariate time series data often show strong relationships between the two components, while both individual variables can be approximated by random walks in the short run andare obviously bounded in the long run. Three model classes are considered for a time-series model selection problem:...
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This paper is concerned with tests of restrictions on the sample path of conditional quantile processes. These tests are tantamount to assessments of lack of fit for models of conditional quantile functions or more generally as tests of how certain covariates affect the distribution of an...
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In this paper, we perform Bayesian analysis of a panel probit model with unobserved individual heterogeneity and serially correlated errors. We augment the data with latent variables and sample the unobserved heterogeneity component as one Gibbs block per individual using a flexible piecewise...
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This paper shows how recently developed regression-based methods for the decomposition of health inequality can be extended to incorporate individual heterogeneity in the responses of health to the explanatory variables. We illustrate our method with an application to the Canadian NPHS of 1994....
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