Showing 1 - 10 of 282
Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass die Arbeitslosenquote Hochqualifizierter in Deutschland in den vergangenen 30 Jahren durchschnittlich 3% betrug, beschäftigt sich dieser Beitrag mit Theorien, die die Heterogenität von Arbeit berücksichtigen. Im Ergebnis kann eine Reduktion der Arbeitskosten die...
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This paper analyzes how the aging labor force aþects the unemployment rate at the regional level in Germany. A theoretical model of equilibrium unemployment with spatial labor market interactions is used to study the eþects of age-related changes in job creation and job destruction. Using data...
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Against the backdrop of an ongoing debate in most countries about the geographic (mal-)distribution of physician practices, we develop a theoretical and empirical framework to analyze how physician supply at regional level depends on demographic (population size, age structure, fertility and...
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This study examines the effects of parental labor market activities on children's education attainment. In contrast to the existing literature we consider parental experiences until the children graduate from school. In addition, the effects of the regional economic environment during teacher's...
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This paper examines the effects of the distribution of unemployment by age on the level of unemployment. We provide an extension of the standard equilibrium unemployment model that allows for age dependent job finding probabilities and quit rates. In the empirical part of the paper we apply a...
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In this paper we investigate the effects of labour market policy on several types of criminal offences for fifteen European countries. The main results are the following: Firstly, the results change markedly if we control for unobserved heterogeneity. In the context of criminal offences the...
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This paper examines the effects of the distribution of unemployment by duration on the level of unemployment. It explores one central as- sumption that is observed empirically: when the share of long-term (short-term) unemployed increases, the unemployment rate increases (decreases). By...
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Previous literature has identified considerable non-pecuniary costs to macroeconomic fluctuation and uncertainty. The present paper investigates whether and to what extent labor market institutions can mitigate those costs. We study how life satisfaction of European citizens is affected by...
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This paper introduces and examines a definition of an equilibrium rate of unemployment that can be used as mismatch indicator, too. In contrast to existing indicators this measurement method is based directly on the Beveridge-Curve. An application of the indicator to nine OECD countries leads to...
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This paper argues that aging of the labor force affects job creation and job destruction. To analyze this, we extend a standard model of equilibrium unemployment and search in the labor market by the distinction between age specific separation risks and a productivity differential between young...
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