Showing 1 - 10 of 55
The European COST Action E45 on European Forest Externalities (EUROFOREX) participants developed a set of good practice guidelines for the non-market valuation of forests, elaborating on stated and revealed preference methodologies, as well as benefit transfer and meta-analytical procedures....
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The likelihood of significant heterogeneity in preferences for landscape preservation should be accounted for when designing WTP questions, estimating WTP, and formulating resulting policy recommendations. Herein, heterogeneity in preferences for landscape preservation is investigated in the...
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The total economic value (TEV) of two threatened Italian cattle breeds (Modicana and Maremmana) was investigated using a choice experiment survey. Most respondents (85%) support breed conservation, their stated willingness-to-pay easily justifying EU support. The high landscape maintenance,...
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The estimates of mean WTP are typically of main interest in non-market valuation studies. In the case of mixed logit models the distribution of WTP for an attribute is derived from the distribution of the ratio of individual coefficients. Since the cost coefficient enters the denominator, its...
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The Ricardian approach has been applied to many different geographic contexts and most applications concern large countries. Only few studies deal with Europe. This paper applies the Ricardian approach to measure the impact of climate on the agricultural system of a small Italian Alpine region...
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This paper investigates preference heterogeneity of wine consumers by using latent class models based on attitudinal questions. Such responses turn out to be an important source of additional information when the goal is to identify different groups of people with a similar wine preference...
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This paper investigates preference heterogeneity of wine consumers by using latent class models based on attitudinal questions. Such responses turn out to be an important source of additional information when the goal is to identify different groups of people with a similar wine preference...
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Rock climbers are likely to exhibit preference heterogeneity dictating the way with which such sport is practiced. This has a reflection on the population’s structure of recreational values of rock-climbing destinations, their attributes, and to land management policies. We test this...
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This paper investigates preferences for various environment-friendly production system for carrots using discretechoice multi-attribute stated-preference data amongst buyers and explore the effect of collective reputations from growers of an Alpine valley known to be completely dedicated to...
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