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In a recent paper in this journal Nuñez et al. [Nuñez, D., L. Nahuelhual, and C. Oyarzun, 2005. Forest and water: the value of native temperate forests in supplying water for human consumption. Ecological Economics 58: 606-616] presented a model to estimate the economic value of Chilean...
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This paper uses an intertemporal model of public finances to show that political instability can cause taxes to be tilted to the future, resulting in a fiscal deficit that is suboptimal and only weakly sustainable (in the sense of Quintos). This occurs because political instability gives the...
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We show that a variety of seemingly diverse concepts used to theoretically explaining the EKC have a common origin in two key preference and production elasticities. We also prove that they jointly correspond to a unique, underlying preference-technology theoretical framework.
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This paper reviews and summarizes most of the literature on the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC), focusing mainly on disentangling and clarifying the key concepts underlying the two classes of existing theoretical explanations for the EKC occurrence — those driven by technology and those...
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Cross-country estimations of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) to empirically analyze the relationship between income and pollution have generally assumed a common structure for all countries. Since this latter feature is not supported by economic theory, this paper uses the Random...
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Este trabajo estima el impacto que tuvo la reforma integral del sistema de transporte público en Santiago de Chile, denominada Transantiago, sobre la contaminación atmosférica en dicha ciudad. Un aporte del trabajo es que muestra cómo, utilizando un modelo econométrico y datos diarios de...
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We show that the tax system in Chile is insufficient, inefficient and inequitable. Insufficient because it does not yield enough revenues for the state to promote human capital development and to face poverty in a more comprehensive way; inefficient because it is highly unbalanced causing most...
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Estimar los impactos específicos de una reforma integral del sistema de transporte público de una gran ciudad es una tarea compleja, debido a las numerosas variables confundentes que usualmente enmascaran los efectos específicos. Este trabajo estima el impacto que la reforma integral del...
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This article analyses different attributes as determinants of the market price of urban plots in Santiago. These attributes compose a "bundle" of characteristics that are transfered together with the transaction of the property rights of land plots. Hedon
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Siguiendo la tradición de una extensa literatura de la economía urbana, desarrollada a partir de la base teórica propuesta por Rosen (1974), aquí se utiliza un modelo de precios hedónicos para analizar la determinación del precio de la vivienda (casas) en el mercado de Santiago. La...
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