Showing 1 - 10 of 1,212
Az intézményi közgazdaságtan művelői és a tranzakciós költségek tanára építő mikroökonómiai megközelítés jegyében megalkotott elméleti modellek jelentős mértékben járultak hozzá a cégekkel kapcsolatos ismereteink bővítéséhez. Számos elemzés tárgyalta a cégek...
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We model religious faith as a "demand for beliefs," following the logic of the Pascalian wager. We then demonstrate how an experimental intervention can exploit standard elicitation techniques to measure religious belief by varying prizes associated with making choices contrary to one's belief...
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This research explores the origins of the distribution of time preference across regions. It advances the hypothesis, and establishes empirically, that geographical variations in natural land productivity and their impact on the return to agricultural investment have had a persistent effect on...
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We investigate the role of deeply-rooted pre-colonial ethnic institutions in shaping comparative regional development within African countries. We combine information on the spatial distribution of ethnicities before colonization with regional variation in contemporary economic performance, as...
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Die bundesdeutschen Fußballvereine weisen ein Umsatzvolumen auf, das dem mittelständischer Unternehmen entspricht. Gleichzeitig zeigt die hohe Verschuldung vieler Vereine, daß sie diesen Anforderungen nur unzureichend gewachsen sind. In diesem Beitrag soll anhand statistischer Auswertungen...
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Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela's death on 5 December 2013 and his funeral ten days later were taken as an occasion in the global media to discuss the merits of political leadership for human security, with occasional comments on its pitfalls. This particular leader is not the most politically safe...
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While security of our<em> </em>hominid<em> </em>encampments and settlements must have been at or near the top of our species priorities since our evolution some several hundred thousand years ago, awareness of the magnitude of our alterations, interactions and impacts on our world is a very recent event. Even...
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An estimated 2.6 billion people rely on traditional biomass for home cooking and heating, so improving the efficiency of household cookstoves could provide significant environmental, social and economic benefits. Some researchers have estimated that potential greenhouse gas emission reductions...
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In his elegant book Douglas Allen claims that an improvement in the measurement of Nature made for lower transaction costs and the Industrial Revolution. His argument is a typical example of neo-institutionalism in the style of Douglass North (<CitationRef CitationID="CR14">1990</CitationRef>) and North et al. (<CitationRef CitationID="CR16">2009</CitationRef>). A fall in a wedge of...</citationref></citationref>
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Kültürel sermaye son yıllarda sıkça ekonomik kalkınma, sosyal refah, toplumsal bütünleşme konuları ile birlikte düşünülmektedir. Kültürel sermaye birikimi ve ekonomik kalkınma arasında anlamlı bir bağ olduğu görüşü iddia edilmektedir. Bazı ülkelerde temelde ekonomik...
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