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In this paper, we study the so-called “wrong skewness” anomaly in Stochastic Frontiers (SF), which consists in the observed difference between the expected and estimated sign of the asymmetry of the composite error. We propose a more general and flexible specification of the SF model,...
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In this paper we study the bivariate Rodriguez-Burr III distribution from a reliability point of view. In particular, we derive various functions used in reliability theory of conditional distributions, viz hazard rate, reversed hazard rate, mean residual life and mean reversed residual life...
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In this note, we provide the mathematical tools for computing the entries of the Fisher information matrix in case of the observations are doubly censored from a Dagum distribution.
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In this note, we provide the mathematical details of the calculation of the Fisher information matrix when the data involve type I right censored observations from a Dagum distribution.
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Are Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Research & Development (R&D) productive inputs or efficiency determinants? This is the topic of this paper which analyses a sample of 2691 Italian manufacturing firms over the period 2007-2009. The empirical setting is based on a production...
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The empirical literature on trade imbalances does not make currency tensions easy to understand, because tensions across traders originate from the assumption that export-price elasticity is high. This paper provides new evidence by analysing the export-behaviour of China, France, Germany,...
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Questo saggio si inserisce nel dibattito sull’efficacia della politica di coesione dell’Unione Europea e presenta un’analisi sugli effetti dei Fondi strutturali sulla crescita delle regioni italiane dal 1980 al 2007. Un’attenzione particolare è riservata al ruolo che gli aspetti...
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Il presente lavoro descrive nella prima parte l’emigrazione calabrese attuale in Germania. Si fa un accenno all’accordo bilaterale tra Germania ed Italia per il reclutamento di manodopera firmato a Roma nel 1955. Si parla sia della 1° che 2° e 3 generazione. Le nostre ricerche ci...
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The relationship between firms and environment is complex. The impact that firms have on the environment include the use of primary resources to make products and the production of wastes and emissions. The impact of firms’ products on the environment, moreover, is not negligible....
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Liquorice root has been dug up and traded for centuries in a Euro-Asiatic belt stretching from the Iberic Peninsula to Eastern China. In this area it was possible to distinguish three different cultural traditions and markets: the Mediterranean and Middle East one, the Indian and the Chinese,...
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