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La relazione presenta nella Parte I un quadro della struttura, sviluppo e crescita della spesa pubblica in Italia a partire dal 1951 nelle sue principali componenti funzionali e per livello di governo; ne analizza la dinamica in relazione alla crescita del PIL e al ciclo economico. Nella Parte...
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The Commissioner for the Italian spending review has presented his program to finalize a revision of expenditure meant to eliminate waste, inefficiencies and perks in Italian public spending. The control of the public expenditure dynamics and reduction of inefficiencies has become an emergency...
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Substantial fiscal consolidation was achieved under the aegis of the 2003 Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act. While deficits widened anew in 2008 and 2009, against the backdrop of the global financial and economic crisis, efforts to reduce them have resumed since. To ensure...
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Public administration reform as a response to the requirements of socio-economic environment change, is a process that develops both at central and local level, aiming to an institutional framework achievement, suitable for administrative and financial decentralization, under the European Union...
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By providing a long run reconstruction of regional Net Fiscal Flows (NFFs) in Italy throughout the last six decades (1951-2010), this paper documents the substantial rise of fiscal transfers to Mezzogiorno (i.e. Southern Italy) from the rest of the country. Besides, three further arguments are...
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Ecofin and Oecd methodology is used to reconstruct the historical evolution of public current health care expenditure for Italy and Lazio (an Italian Region). The reconstructed evolutions allow to detect what have been the per-capita expenditures per age brackets in absolute values (Euro) in...
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Die Landeseinnahmen werden in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in den kommenden Jahren sinken, da die Zuweisungen im Rahmen des Länderfinanzausgleichs wegen der abnehmenden Bevölkerungszahl, rückläufiger Zahlungen aus den EU-Fonds sowie der Degression des Solidarpaktes II zurückgehen. Dies wird auch...
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el objetivo del presente estudio será medir el impacto de las rentas generadas por las industrias extractivas en los diversos territorios beneficiarios sobre la equidad interpersonal del ingreso medido a través del coeficiente de Gini. Para ello se tomará como unidad territorial...
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The literature on estimating macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy requires suitable instruments to identify exogenous and unanticipated spending shocks. So far, the instrument of choice has been military build-ups. This instrument, however, largely limits the analysis to the US as few other...
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The financial risks to the local government sector have recently reached a level that presents a major threat not only to local governments but to the entire national economy. This paper therefore aims to point out the significance of internal controls, the absence or insufficiency of which is a...
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