Showing 1 - 10 of 161
Risk attitude and perception is reflected in brain reactions during RPID experiments. Given the fMRI data, an important research question is how to detect risk related regions and to investigate the relation between risk preferences and brain activity. Conventional methods are often insensitive...
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Using a Dynamic Semiparametric Factor Model (DSFM) we investigate the term structure of interest rates. The proposed methodology is applied to monthly interest rates for four southern European countries: Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain from the introduction of the Euro to the recent European...
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Decision making can be a complex process requiring the integration of several attributes of choice options. Understanding the neural processes underlying (uncertain) investment decisions is an important topic in neuroeconomics. We analyzed functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data from...
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Statistische Prognosen basieren auf der Annahme, dass ein funktionaler Zusammenhang zwischen der zu prognostizierenden Variable y und anderen dimensionalen beobachtbaren Variablen x=(x1,...,xj)t – Rj besteht. Kann der funktionale Zusammenhang geschätzt werden, so kann im Prinzip für jedes x...
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Decision making usually involves uncertainty and risk. Understanding which parts of the human brain are activated during decisions under risk and which neural processes underly (risky) investment decisions are important goals in neuroeconomics. Here, we reanalyze functional magnetic resonance...
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Decision making usually involves uncertainty and risk. Understanding which parts of the human brain are activated during decisions under risk and which neural processes underly (risky) investment decisions are important goals in neuroeconomics. Here, we analyze functional magnetic resonance...
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Life expectancy, i.e., mean residual life function, has been of important practical and scientific interests to characterise the distribution of residual life. Regression models are often needed to model the association between life expectancy and its covariates. In this article, we consider a...
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Although three-level factorial designs with quantitative factors are not the most efficient way to fit a second-order polynomial model, they often find some application, when the factors are qualitative. The three-level orthogonal designs with qualitative factors are frequently used, e.g., in...
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In this paper we analyze a legislative bargaining game in which parties privately informed about their preferences bargain over an ideological and a distributive decision. Communication takes place before a proposal is offered and majority rule voting determines the outcome. When the private...
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