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In prediction markets, investors trade assets whose values are contingent on the occurrence of future events, like election outcomes. Prediction market prices have been shown to be consistently accurate forecasts of these outcomes, but we don't know why. I formally illustrate an information...
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In prediction markets, investors trade assets whose values are contingent on the occurrence of future events, like election outcomes. Prediction market prices have been shown to be consistently accurate forecasts of these outcomes, but we don't know why. I formally illustrate an information...
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, are relevant to forecasting economic growth and stock returns, and whether they contain information that is orthogonal to …
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Michigan Surveys of Consumers. While these measures have been useful in developing models of forecasting inflation, the data …
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We analyze a binary prediction market in which traders have heterogeneous prior beliefs and private information. Realistically, we assume that traders are allowed to invest a limited amount of money (or have decreasing absolute risk aversion). We show that the rational expectations equilibrium...
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In a binary prediction market in which risk-neutral traders have heterogeneous prior beliefs and are allowed to invest a limited amount of money, the static rational expectations equilibrium price is demonstrated to underreact to information. This effect is consistent with a favorite-longshot...
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, are relevant to forecasting economic growth and stock returns, and whether they contain information that is orthogonal to …
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We extend Kyle's (1985) model of insider trading to the case where liquidity provided by noise traders follows a general stochastic process. Even though the level of noise trading volatility is observable, in equilibrium, measured price impact is stochastic. If noise trading volatility is...
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This article focuses on the impact of derivative markets on the American crude oil market. It first analyses the depth and liquidity of the market, and shows that there is a huge increase in activity from 1989 to 2003. Then the study focuses on prices volatility. The latter is separated into two...
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