Showing 1 - 10 of 41
Value-at-risk (VaR) is a useful risk measure broadly used by financial institutions all over the world. VaR has been extensively used to measure systematic risk exposure in developed markets like of the US, Europe and Asia. This paper analyzes the accuracy of VaR measure for Pakistan’s...
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Value-at-risk (VaR) is a useful risk measure broadly used by financial institutions all over the world. VaR is popular among researchers, practitioners and regulators of financial institutions. VaR has been extensively used for to measure systematic risk exposure in developed markets like of the...
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The CAPM as the benchmark asset pricing model generally performs poorly in both developed and emerging markets. We investigate whether allowing the model parameters to vary improves the performance of the CAPM and the Fama-French model. Conditional asset pricing models scaled by conditioning...
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Stochastic approach to index number (and its change) has recently attracted renewed attention of researchers as it provides the standard error of index number (and its change). One of the most important uses of index number is in the case of measurement of the general price level in an economy...
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In an efficient stock market stock prices instantaneously and accurately adjust to new information. This paper conducts an event study analysis on an emerging market namely the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) by investigating the stock price reaction to public announcement of quarterly after tax...
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Efficient allocation of resources is the basic problem in economics. Firms, educational institutions, universities are faces problem of estimating true abilities and ranking of individuals to be selected for job, admissions and scholarship awards etc. This study will provide a guide line what...
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Standard errors (S.Es.) of month on month and year on year inflation in Pakistan are estimated based on data for the period of July 2001 to June 2010 using stochastic approach as well as extended stochastic approach to index numbers. A mechanism is developed to estimate S.E. of period average...
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This study estimates degree of intrinsic inflation persistence in Pakistan using aggregate price index, group level price indices, and individual commodity prices. Monthly data from 1959 to 2011 is used for the analysis. [SBP WP no. 52].
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The CAPM as the benchmark asset pricing model generally performs poorly in both developed and emerging markets. We investigate whether allowing the model parameters to vary improves the performance of the CAPM and the Fama-French model. Conditional asset pricing models scaled by conditional...
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"This paper examines the potential impacts of U.S. mandatory country of origin labeling. North American hog and pork markets are represented as vertically related in a partial equilibrium non-spatial model. A synthetic model is calibrated to historic data and then used to trace the program's...
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