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The Community Inclusion model described in this paper characterizes the stages through which a diverse group of people … the assessment of a community’s current stage of inclusion, and determining the interventions needed to address lack of … inclusion. Examples from Sweden (EU) and the United States (USA) will be used to demonstrate how the model works. Particular …
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A tanulmány egy oksági modellt mutat be arra vonatkozóan, hogyan befolyásolta a vállalkozók közé való belépést a társadalmi háttér (apa foglalkozása), az iskolai befektetések (szakképzés, akadémiai képzés) s a piaci, illetve politikai beágyazottság (munkaerőpiaci...
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Hámori Balázs könyve harmadik fejezetében teszi fel a címbeli kérdést: férjhez adnám-e lányomat a homo oeconomicushoz, vagyis ahhoz a lényhez, aki csak arra van tekintettel, hogy a maga hasznát maximalizálja, s közömbös számára, hogy közben mások hogyan boldogulnak.
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The present paper is an exercise to sociologically recover a story reported in a travel diary of a Western diplomat, who was passing through Moldova, at the end of the eighteenth century, where there are three characters belonging to three different cultures: a Moldovan, a Turkish and a French....
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The lesson of crisis in economy, if we could condense it into a single idea, would sound like this: when private property gets mixed with illusion and fraud, the societal order becomes a tensed experiments system, both discretionary and costly. This is, in fact, the interventionism’s essence,...
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This paper analyzes aspects of the problem that occurs in the social evaluation of investment projects for indigenous communities’ Wixarikas (Huichols). A project in this context make particularly complex the evaluation. On the socio-economic perspective with which it is evaluated comes into...
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In the paper, we argue that trust is the missing link relating education, institutions, and economic development. We argue that increased trust both increases education and improves legal and bureaucratic institutions, which in turn spurs economic development. We substantiate this intuition with...
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We study how the prevailing internal organization of the family affected the initial design of pension systems. Our theoretical framework predicts that, in society with weak family ties, pensions systems were introduced to act as a safety net, while in societies with strong ties they replicate...
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We present a model of opinion formation where individuals repeatedly engage in discussion and update their opinion in a social network similarly to the DeGroot model. Abstracting from the standard assumption that individuals always report their opinion truthfully, agents in our model may state...
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Lütkenhöner (2011) konzipierte Feldexperimente, mit denen untersucht wurde, ob Vornamen den Erfolg von Marktteilnehmern beeinflussen. Dabei wurden für 12 fiktive Personen Kleinanzeigen auf dem Beziehungs-, Nachhilfe- und Wohnungsmarkt geschaltet. Bei der ersten Auswertung von 2011 wurde...
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