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Physically, evaporative demand is driven by net radiation (Rn), vapour pressure (ea), wind speed (u2), and air temperature (Ta), each of which changes over time. By analyzing temporal variations in reference evapotranspiration (ET0), improved understanding of the impacts of climate change on...
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The aim of this paper is to investigate whether there exists a long run relationship between the real exchange rate and the commodity terms of trade in the so-called ¿Mediterranean¿ or MENA countries. These economies are good candidates for this type of formulation, as they can be considered...
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This paper presents a cyclical model for unemployment and entrepreneurship. The estimated periodicity of the cycles for the US, the UK, Spain and Ireland is between 5 and 10 years, and the orders of integration are smaller (greater) than 1 if the underlying disturbances are autocorrelated...
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The aim of this paper is to provide additional evidence on the purchasing power parity empirical fulfillment in a pool of OECD countries. We apply the Harvey et al. (2008) linearity test and the Kruse (2010) nonlinear unit root test. The results point to the fact that the purchasing power parity...
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In this paper we examine the presence of agenda-setting effects by the print media in Argentina during 2003 and 2008. Using previously unavailable monthly data on newspapers mentions we test two hypotheses about the relationship between the different agendas. We find support for the hypothesis...
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In this paper we aim to analyse the dynamics of unemployment in a group of Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs). The CEECs are of special importance for the future of the European Union, given that most of them have recently become member states, and labour flows have been seen to rise...
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In this paper we provide an insight into the inflation dynamics in a panel of Central and Eastern European countries. Applying unit root tests and allowing for nonlinearities, we show that inflation rates in more than half of these countries are stationary.
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In this paper we provide an insight into the inflation dynamics in a panel of Central and Eastern European countries. These countries are selected because of their increasing importance in the EU and their likely increased future importance in monetary policy decisions inside the euro area. By...
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In this paper we aim at testing the inflation persistence hypothesis as well as modelling (using logistic smooth transition autoregressive, LSTAR, models) the long run behaviour of inflation rates in a pool of African countries. In order to do so, we rely on unit root tests applied to nonlinear...
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This paper tests the view that the relation between unemployment and entrepreneurship is dynamic and possibly nonlinear. It performs Granger-causality tests and STAR-EXT estimation to assess the causality direction and the nonlinear nature of the relation for a set of OECD countries. The results...
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