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In this paper, we aim to study the effect of competition, and not concentration, on cost efficiency for the ece countries during the 1999-2006 period. To do so, we will use two different measures of bank market power: the first one is the Panzar and Ross H-statistic but calculated for each...
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This paper has a twofold interest. First, we construct new concentration measures that alleviate some shortcomings of the most frequently applied indexes, which are Herfindahl-Hirshman and Entropy measures. They also provide additional information about the way in which the loan portfolio is...
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This paper draws on public debt in Brazil, Mexico, and Russia, and develops a bond-by-bond database from 1990 to 2005 that accounts for all available information on buybacks and swaps. We estimate a de facto indicator of average maturity of debt. We analyze the behavior of these three emerging...
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We study the role of the banking competition and of the banks' efficiency scores in the transmission of monetary policy in the 10 new European Union member-states. The banking competition is measured by H-statistics of Panzar and Rosse, and the efficiency scores are estimated by non-parametric...
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In this paper we study the effect on the bank risk-taking behaviour of the passage from the Basle 1 regulation framework to the Basle 2 one, this effect being different according to banks? market power. Our results show that the banks can adopt a pure prudent behaviour only if the capital...
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Studies that have explored the competitive behaviour of banks frequently arrive at divergent conclusions because they use different measures of competition. This study first discusses these various measures of competition and their divergence from a theoretical perspective and then employs them...
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Dans ce papier nous analysons l'influence de la concurrence bancaire sur l'efficience des banques dans les PECO. L'intuition de notre démarche consiste dans le fait que pour éviter ou diminuer les effets négatifs engendrés par l'asymétrie de l'information, présente sur le marché bancaire,...
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This paper studies, over the 1993-2010 period, the evolution of the market power (Lerner index) of the banks in Thailand as well as the cost efficiency scores on two main banking markets ? lending and investment activities ? and on the whole banking market. Its objective is to measure the impact...
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