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positive, assuming a differentiable technology. In this context, strict convexity of the production set is irrelevant. The …
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In this paper we investigate the minimization process of the exact cost function for a continuous review (Q,R) inventory model with non-negative reorder point and fixed lead-time. Backorders are allowed and the unit shortage cost is used to determine the expected annual shortage cost. Provided...
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The cost of producing the same good often differs substantially for public and private producers. We investigate the effect of organization in a case where the production technology is simple: The cleaning of Danish schools. Three forms of organization are used: Decentral municipal, central...
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This paper modifies the traditional theories ofnon-renewable resource exploitation where reserve sizeis assumed to be the major determinant of extractioncosts. In a competitive model of resourceexploitation, characteristics of aggregate reservesare considered as a determinant of extraction cost....
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This paper examines the Multi-Product Asymptotically Ideal Production Model as an alternative to the translog and normalized quadratic functional forms using farm level data. Factors such as ease of estimation, imposition of regularity conditions, and quantitative differences in empirical...
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A number of life-cycle assessment studies havecompared the environmental impacts of materialrecycling and incineration of waste paper. Theyhave shown that, in most cases, a recyclingscenario results in lower total energy use, butgreater use of fossil fuels. If waste paper andfossil fuels are...
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This paper examines costs in the Swiss nursing home industry, an issue of concern to Swiss policy makers because of the explosion of elderly care costs and the aging of the population. The paper considers estimation of a translog cost function employing panel data for a sample of 36 nonprofit...
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In this paper we test for the presence of localisation economies due to input-output linkages between vertically related firms located in the same region. To undertake this we estimate, by duality, a quadratic cost function using a sector by sector panel at the European regional level in the...
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Using 23 years of data (1978-2000), this study examines seven vertically integrated sugar beet plants representing three different companies in the United States. The objective of this research is to identify the marginal costs of producing sugar beets for vertically integrated sugar beet...
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