Showing 1 - 10 of 17
We develop a model of a representative professional sports club that has the option of adopting one of two different forms of revenue sharing: traditional revenue sharing and central pool type revenue sharing. To adopt either form of revenue sharing, the league requires that a majority of clubs...
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This paper develops a simple static model of an imperfectly competitive university operating under government-imposed constraints on the ability to raise tuition fees and increase enrollments. The model has particular applicability to Canadian universities. Assuming an average cost pricing rule,...
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This paper argues that multilateral financial institutions (MFIs), such as the International Monetary Fund, play an important informational role in international financial markets. By providing low-cost and high quality information, that is otherwise very costly for private lenders to obtain,...
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Klaassen and Magnus (2003) provide a model of the probability of a given player winning a tennis match, with the prediction updated on a point-by-point basis. This paper provides a point-by-point comparison of that model with the probability of a given player winning the match, as implied by...
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The paper examines the initial pricing of all Australian government sector initial public offerings (IPOs) that have been made over the last six years. A statistically significant first-day average abnormal return of approximately 8% is found. Contrary to overseas findings, there is no evidence...
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Engle's autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model has been used successfully to model volatility in modern financial data. Here the returns on 3% Consols traded on the London market from 1821 to 1860 are examined for timevarying conditional heteroscedasticity. The series...
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Since 1963, changes in the family composition of the US labor force explain more than half of the variability in US total factor productivity growth. Using the Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement, we document the rise of two (and single) working-parent families in the...
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There is evidence that mean equity returns in Australia (as in the U.S.) are positive before and after holidays. Two distinctively Australian features are used to examine this regularity. First, the Australian market is dominated by two exchanges of approximately equal importance. Returns on...
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