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This paper discusses structure, impact, costs, and efficiency of renewable energy supply in the eight largest advanced economies (the G-7 plus Spain), with focus on Germany. Renewables production costs are compared to benefits, defined as reductions in net carbon emissions; technological...
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Die Abholzung der weltweiten Wälder ist nach der Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe die zweitgrößte anthropogene CO2-Quelle. Maßnahmen der UN, die unter dem Namen »REDD« zusammengefasst werden, sollen der Abholzung entgegenwirken. Der Beitrag beschreibt die Funktionsweise von REDD und gibt...
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Ergänzend zu dem im ifo Schnelldienst 19/2001 diskutierten Thema »Klimaschutz - ist das Emissionshandelssystem ein …
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Die Rubrik »Kurz zum Klima« erscheint nun bereits seit drei Jahren mit nahezu 60 Ausgaben. Dieser Beitrag greift drei Themen aus den Bereichen Energie-, Klima- und Umweltpolitik – das Reserven-Produktions-Verhältnis, die weltweite CO2-Reduktion und das Problem der Überfischung – erneut...
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Marginal abatement cost curves (MACCs) are a favorite instrument to analyze international emissions trading. This paper focusses on the question of how to define MACCs in a general equilibrium context where the global abatement level influences energy prices and in turn national MACCs. We...
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Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) focused on the climate and development …
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We already share population crowding and environmental pollution. In today's world, we have no other option than to …
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This paper fills a gap in the macroeconomic literature on renewable sources of energy. It offers a definition of green investment and analyzes the trends and determinants of this investment over the last decade for 35 advanced and emerging countries. We use a new multi-country historical dataset...
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We derive non-cooperative Nash equilibrium (NE) importer and exporter petroleum excise taxes given full within-group tax coordination, but no coordination between groups, assuming that importers do not produce and exporters do not consume petroleum, and petroleum consumption causes a global...
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Fiscal instruments are potentially among the most effective, and cost-effective, options for addressing externalities related to poor air quality, urban road congestion, and greenhouse gases. This paper takes a case study, focused on Mauritius (a pioneer in the use of green taxes) to illustrate...
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