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a panel vector autoregressive (PVAR) model. The impulse response functions (IRFs) attribute to NPL a central role in the …
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with meshwidth h and O(h−2) grid points, the order O(h2) of the discretization error was shown in (Hofman, 1967), if g …. The crucial task of the proof, i.e. the determination of the discretization error on rectangular grids with arbitrary …
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We investigate the suitability of sparse grids for solving high-dimensional option pricing and interest rate models numerically. Starting from the partial differential equation, we try to - at least partially - break the curse of dimensionality through sparse grids which will result from a...
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This paper compares the forecasting performance of the Smooth Transition Autoregressive (STAR) model with the … conventional linear Autoregressive (AR) and Simple Random Walk (SRW) models. The empirical analysis was conducted using quarterly …
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Considering as a starting point certain advantages and limits of the VAR model, we propose an opening to include some … restore an equilibrium state or a forecast error. In order to improve the forecasting quality we introduced in the VAR model … certain variables that express previous approaches. The open VAR model was applied to short-time prognoses regarding the main …
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This study examines the forecastability of ASEAN-5 stock market returns using linear and non-linear time series models. Time series models with GARCH errors are also considered. Based on formal econometrics tests, this study shows that the behaviour of these returns do not follow random walk...
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A model of a representative Canadian pork exporter is developed to examine the impacts of the exchange rate and its volatility on pork and live swine exports. The pork export supply equation is expressed as a function of the expected level of real exchange rate and a time-varying variance of...
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Different change point models for AR(1) processes are reviewed. For some models, the change is in the distribution conditional on earlier observations. For others the change is in the unconditional distribution. Some models include an observation before the first possible change time — others...
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