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In this note, we use several modern multiple variance ratio tests (VR tests) to investigate whether the financial crisis has an impact on the random walk behaviour of international stock markets. Grouping a pre-crisis- and a crisis-panel in developed, emerging and frontier markets, respectively,...
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Using the parametric Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) methodology of Hansen (1982) and the nonparametric approach of Hansen and Jagannathan (1991), this note investigates the ability of Consumption-based Asset Pricing Models (CCAPMs) to explain the cross-section of investment funds returns in...
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This article formalizes the undesirable property of the Sharpe ratio that a fund with a certain poor performance can increase its Sharpe ratio in a prospective period by generating a sufficiently negative excess return. Specifically, we set out the conditions that a fund must meet to be exposed...
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Generating a high positive excess return in a prospective period does not necessarily increase the empirical Sharpe ratio of an investment fund. Therefore, we derive a critical range in which prospective excess returns must lie in order to increase its empirical Sharpe ratio. We also give a...
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Neben einer theoretischen Analyse ausgewählter klassischer und moderner Performancemaße präsentieren wir in diesem Papier eine speziell zum Zweck der Performanceanalyse entwickelte Erweiterung des Funktionsumfanges von MS-Excel. Der vorgestellte VBA-Quellcode ermöglicht es, die beschriebenen...
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In this article, we revisit the Friday the 13th effect discussed by Kolb and Rodriguez (1987) that has received increased interest in recent research. Using a dummy-augmented GARCH model, we investigate whether the occurrence of this superstitious calendar day has significant impact on the...
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During the recent turbulences in the world's financial markets, diamond companies have started advertising diamonds as a new asset that can hedge against market volatility and be a valuable portfolio component. To put this claim to the test, this article investigates (i) the performance of...
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Three approaches are commonly used for analyzing decisions under uncertainty: expected utility (EU), second-degree stochastic dominance (SSD), and mean-risk (MR) models, with the mean–standard deviation (MS) being the best-known MR model. Because MR models generally lead to different efficient...
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