Showing 1 - 10 of 156
We study consistency and asymptotic normality of posterior distributions of the natural parameter for an exponential family when the dimension of the parameter grows with the sample size. Under certain growth restrictions on the dimension, we show that the posterior distributions concentrate in...
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We consider the classical problem of selecting the best of two treatments in clinical trials with binary response. The target is to find the design that maximizes the power of the relevant test. Many papers use a normal approximation to the power function and claim that Neyman allocation that...
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In many biomedical applications, tests for the classical hypotheses based on the difference of treatment means in a one-way layout can be replaced by tests for ratios (or tests for relative changes). This approach is well noted for its simplicity in defining the margins, as for example in tests...
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A new Stata command, simsum, analyzes data from simulation studies. The data may comprise point estimates and standard errors from several analysis methods, possibly resulting from several different simulation settings. simsum can report bias, coverage, power, empirical standard error, relative...
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In the paper, the asymptotic distribution of the equilibrium price in markets with the random demand and supply is described. Two special cases - the one with smooth demand and supply curves and the one with jump demand and supply curves - are studied. It is found that in both the cases the...
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