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Should the realized risk premium be taxed – or not? In a simple two asset portfolio model we analyze the optimal taxation rule when the economy faces aggregate risk. We show in an appropriate designed tax system, that the risk premium of the risky asset should be fully taxed if the households...
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What are the origins of individual savings behavior? Using data on identical and fraternal twins matched with data on their savings behavior, we find that an individual's savings propensity is governed by both genetic predispositions, social transmission from parents to their children, and...
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Using data on identical and fraternal twins' complete financial portfolios, we decompose the crosssectional variation in investor behavior. We find that a genetic factor explains about one third of the variance in stock market participation and asset allocation. Family environment has an effect...
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This paper presents a time-continuous goal-based portfolio selection model with cumulative prospect theory preferences and satisficing behavior, where investors optimally split their wealth among several investment goals at different horizons. The paper extends the model of Berkelaar, Kouwenberg...
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As opposed to institutional investors, individual investors typically have several investment objectives in mind. The traditional utility maximization approach is not only oversimplified but also may not be suitable for real world application. Behavioral asset allocation divides a portfolio into...
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Dans cet article, pour etendre la theorie du consommateur a ses choix d'epargne et de placements, on utilise a la fois la theorie usuelle, celle des caracteristiques et celle du raisonnement quantitatif. On en deduit un systeme complet de demandes comprenant simultanement les quantites de biens...
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This essay reviews the family of models that seek to provide aggregate risk based explanations for the empirically observed equity premium. Theories based on non-expected utility preference structures, limited financial market participation, model uncertainty and the small probability of...
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Dans cet article, pour etendre la theorie du consommateur a ses choix d'epargne et de placements, on utilise a la fois la theorie usuelle, celle des caracteristiques et celle du raisonnement quantitatif. on en deduit un systeme complet de demandes comprenant simultanement les quantites de biens...
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This Paper introduces a tractable, structural model of subjective beliefs. Forward-looking agents care about expected future utility flows, and hence have higher current felicity if they believe that better outcomes are more likely. On the other hand, biased expectations lead to poorer decisions...
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For a long list of investment “biases,” including lack of diversification, excessive trading, and the disposition effect, we find that genetic differences explain up to 45% of the remaining variation across individual investors, after controlling for observable individual characteristics....
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