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Nepal has made a remarkable progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), especially in extreme poverty and education. Nepal has achieved MDG 5 but only one in three births is attended by skilled medical personnel. Disparities exist in access to maternal care by residence and...
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This work is intended as a guide to encourage mothers to confront the difficulties inherent in the life of a parent. Not infrequently, childbirth is associated with the uncertainty, related to some disturbances in the psychological and social life of young mothers. And all this is caused by a...
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Despite gender equity concerns in education emerging as a key area of interventions and debates within the global justice arena, the educational needs of pregnant schoolgirls and student-mothers have received minimal attention. This research is an attempt to make visible the experiences of young...
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This article analyses the Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET ) concept and related indicators and its … developed instead of structural policies) and to the negative labelling of the NEET young people (as research and policies tend …, aimed at reducing the heterogeneity of the situations the concept includes and focus on the core NEET group. This restricted …
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L’analisi dei principali indicatori relativi alla condizione occupazionale dimostra come nell’ultimo anno si sia registrato un ulteriore deterioramento delle performance occupazionali dei laureati. L’area della disoccupazione risulta ampliata, con rilevanti differenze in funzione del...
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people NEET. In addition to short-term effect of inactivation of the potential workforce, due to aging demographics, the …
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The NZ labour market is among the most flexible in the OECD, and outcomes for its young people have been among the best. However, labour-market opportunities are heavily determined by initial education, where New Zealand’s system is also successful and innovative in many ways. Average PISA...
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Článok sa venuje problematike kvantifikácie nákladov nezamestnanosti mladých ľudí na príklade Slovenskej republiky a Veľkej Británie v súvislosti s nákladmi a škodami, ktoré nezamestnanosť spôsobuje priamo či nepriamo nielen jednotlivcovi, ale aj celej spoločnosti a štátnemu...
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The postponement of partnership formation and parenthood in the context of an early average age at leaving home has resulted in increased heterogeneity in the living arrangements of young adults in the UK. More young adults now remain in the parental home, or live independently of the parental...
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(collectively known as NEET). We estimate the expected per capita cost of each NEET youth in NZ is approximately $26,847 over the …. Closer inspection reveals that Auckland NEET youth of Maori and Pacifica descent are associated with relatively high per … estimated costs associated with NEET youth highlight the urgent need for policy intervention directed at improving transitions …
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