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This paper addresses the open debate about the usefulness of high-frequency (HF) data in large-scale portfolio allocation. Daily covariances are estimated based on HF data of the S&P 500 universe employing a blocked realized kernel estimator. We propose forecasting covariance matrices using a...
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This paper addresses the open debate about the usefulness of high-frequency (HF) data in large-scale portfolio allocation. We consider the problem of constructing global minimum variance portfolios based on the constituents of the S&P 500 over a four-year period covering the 2008 financial...
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This paper addresses the open debate about the effectiveness and practical relevance of highfrequency (HF) data in portfolio allocation. Our results demonstrate that when used with proper econometric models, HF data offers gains over daily data and more importantly these gains are maintained...
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We performed an extensive simulation study to compare the relative performance of many price-jump indicators with respect to false positive and false negative probabilities. We simulated twenty different time series specifications with different intraday noise volatility patterns and price-jump...
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Source extraction and dimensionality reduction are important in analyzing high dimensional and complex financial time series that are neither Gaussian distributed nor stationary. Independent component analysis (ICA) method can be used to factorize the data into a linear combination of...
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We analyze the dynamics of price jumps and the impact of the European debt crisis using the high-frequency data reported by selected stock exchanges on the European continent during the period January 2008 to June 2012. We employ two methods to identify price jumps: Method 1 minimizes the...
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This paper compares two alternative estimation methods for estimating the density underlying financial returns specified in terms of a finite Gram–Charlier (GC) expansion. Maximum likelihood (ML) is the most widely employed method despite the fact that it is only consistent under the Gaussian...
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The question of whether empirical models are able to forecast the equity premium more accurately than the simple historical mean is intensively debated in the nancial literature. The low prediction power is disappointing, even when using nonparametric models that make use of typical predictor...
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This paper analyzes the cyclical behavior of Dow Jones by testing the existence of long memory through a new class of semiparametric ARFIMA models with HYGARCH errors (SEMIFARMA-HYGARCH); this class includes nonparametric deterministic trend, stochastic trend, short-range and long-range...
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In many settings of empirical interest, time variation in the distribution parameters is important for capturing the dynamic behaviour of time series processes. Although the fitting of heavy tail distributions has become easier due to computational advances, the joint and explicit modelling of...
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