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on multiple yield curves reflecting the different credit and liquidity risk of Libor rates with different tenors and the …
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plus a 3x6 months Forward Rate Agreement (FRA), and that Libor was a good proxy of the risk free rate required as basic … building block of no-arbitrage pricing theory. Nowadays, in the modern financial world after the credit crunch, some Libors are … carry very important consequences in derivative’s trading and risk management, such as, for example, basis risk …
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We review the main changes in the interbank market after the financial crisis started in August 2007. In particular, we focus on the fixed income market and we analyse the most relevant empirical evidences regarding the divergence of the existing basis between interbank rates with different...
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, based on multiple yield curves reflecting the different credit and liquidity risk of Libor rates with different tenors and …
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This paper studies the behavior of the default-risk-free real term structure and term premia intwo general equilibrium … second risk-sharing is limited by the risk of default as in Alvarez and Jermann. …
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The ability of the usual factors from empirical arbitrage-free representations of the term structure—that is, spanned factors—to account for interest rate volatility dynamics has been much debated. We examine this issue with a comprehensive set of new arbitrage-free term structure...
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This paper attempts to provide an economic interpretation of the factors that drive the movements of interest rates of bonds of different maturities in a continuous-time no arbitrage term structure model for Chile. The dynamics of yields in the model are explained by two latent factors, namely...
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restriction of no arbitrage, which enables us to decompose forward real rates into expectations of future short (ie risk …
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the forward basis and the quanto adjustment find a natural financial explanation in terms of counterparty risk. …
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