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This article proposes the use of a fuzzy time series model based on neural networks that are intended to calculate the complicated fuzzy relationships among observations. The Taiwan stock exchange capitalisation weighted stock index is used as the forecasting target. Various parameters such as...
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Das Papier untersucht, wie Erwartungsbildung mit Hilfe neuronaler Netze modelliert werden kann. Die Grundlage bildet ein Cobweb-Modell, in dem Firmen Preiserwartungen auf Basis eines Feedforward-Netzes bilden.Zunächst wird anhand von Simulationen gezeigt, daß Firmen durch neuronale...
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Die sich ständig verändernden Märkte und Marktgegebenheiten, Innovationen im Bereich der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie sowie die Erneuerung des allgemeinen Wertesystems in Verbindung mit einem weiter steigenden Wettbewerbsdruck auf die Unternehmen führen unmittelbar dazu, dass...
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In diesem Aufsatz wird der Fragestellung nachgegangen, ob neuronale Netze in der Lage sind Kennzahlen für Warteschlangensysteme zu approximieren. Da für die meisten in der Praxis vorkommenden Warteschlangenprobleme keine exakten, expliziten Lösungen für die Warteschlangenkennzahlen...
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An efficient procedure is proposed to evaluate option prices using neural networks. The method considers alternatives to the procedures suggested by Hutchinson, Lo and Poggio in the Journal of Finance of 1994
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One of the most critical issues when using neural networks is how to select appropriate network architectures for the problem at hand. Practitioners usually refer to information criteria which might lead to over-parameterized models with heavy consequence on overfitting and poor ex-post forecast...
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Here artificial neural networks (ANNs) are employed for efficiency purposes. First, the main features of ANNs are presented. Then, common techniques of the efficiency literature are reviewed: parametric (deterministic and stochastic) and non-parametric (Data Envelopment Analysis [DEA] and Free...
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The performance of a "capital certain" Divisia index constructed using the same components included in the Bank of England"s MSI plus national savings; a "risky" Divisia index constructed by adding bonds, shares and unit trusts to the list of assets included in the first index; and a capital...
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On last yearÌs conference in Barcelona the authors presented an innovative expectation formation hypothesis. The assumption of fully rational agents is rejected and replaced by a bounded rationality approach that is modelled by means of a fuzzy rule-base. These rules as well as their components...
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Investment decision-making is modeled by means of a Kohonen neural net, whose neurons represent firms as decision-makers. Thus, the network reconstructs collective decision-making by the productive system. This model focuses on the decision to invest in novel fields of activity, which requires...
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