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In this study we show that market uncertainty [measured by the Chicago Board Options Exchange Market Volatility Index (VIX)] exerts a large market-wide impact on liquidity, which gives rise to co-movements in individual asset liquidity. The effect of VIX on stock liquidity is greater than the...
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We survey the literature analysing the price formation and trading process, and the consequences of market organization for price discovery and welfare. We develop a united perspective on theoretical, empirical and experimental approaches. We discuss the evidence on transaction costs and the...
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We develop a model of price formation in a dealership market where monitoring of the information flow requires costly effort. The result is imperfect monitoring, which creates profit opportunities for speculators, who do not act as dealers but simply monitor the information flow and quote...
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In this paper we examine the influence of private information on Asset Pricing. The main obstacle that we face when we use CAPM with private information is the unavailability of the observable variables that directly measure private information. Microstructure literature provides many models to...
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Inter-dealer trading in US Treasury securities is almost equally divided between two electronic trading platforms that have only slight differences in terms of their relative liquidity and transparency. BrokerTec is more active in the trading of 2-, 5-, and 10-year T-notes while eSpeed has more...
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Using proprietary data on equity lending supply, loan fees and quantities, we examine the link between institutional ownership structure and the market for equity lending and stock prices. We find that both total institutional ownership and ownership concentration (measured by the Herfindahl...
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This paper analyzes the rationale for the submission of hidden limit orders, and compares opaque and transparent limit order books. In my sequential model, the limit order trader may be informed with some probability. Both informed and large uninformed liquidity suppliers submit hidden orders in...
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Exploiting cross-sectional and time-series variations in European regulations during the July 2008 – June 2009 period, we show that: 1) Prohibition on covered short selling raises bid-ask spread and reduces trading volume, 2) Prohibition on naked short selling raises both volatility and...
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The aftermarket performance of eleven privatization Initial Public Offers (IPOs) in Chile during 1984-1989 is studied in this document, and a detailed description of the economic and political conditions that prevailed is provided. In particular, we discuss the operational details of the stock...
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