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Operationelle Risiken stellen für Banken nach dem Kreditrisiko die zweitwichtigste Risikokategorie dar. Ein effektives Risikomanagement der operationellen Risiken dürfte in Zukunft ein entscheidender Wettbewerbsfaktor sein. Im Rahmen der Neuregelung der bankaufsichtsrechtlichen Vorgaben...
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Following the Basel II Accord, with the increased focus on operational risk as an aspect distinct from credit and market risk, quantification of operational risk has been a major challenge for banks. This paper analyzes implications of the advanced measurement approach to estimate the...
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This paper identifies and quantifies through a Bayesian Network model (BN) the various factors of Operational Risk (OR) associated with business lines of transnational banks. The BN model is calibrated with data from events that occurred in different lines of business of such banks during...
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Our paper emphasizes the opportunities provided both for the academic research and companies by using a proposed model of analyzing the operational risks within business in general and shipbuilding industry in particular. The model aims to display the loss distribution from the operational risk...
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This work presents a contribution on operational risk under a general Bayesian context incorporating information on market risk pro le, experts and operational losses, taking into account the general macroeconomic environment as well. It aims at estimating a characteristic parameter of the...
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This work presents a contribution on operational risk under a general Bayesian context incorporating information on market risk pro le, experts and operational losses, taking into account the general macroeconomic environment as well. It aims at estimating a characteristic parameter of the...
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According to the last proposals of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, banks under the Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA) must use four different sources of information to assess their Operational Risk capital requirement. The fourth including "business environment and internal control...
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According to the last proposals of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, banks under the Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA) must use four different sources of information to assess their Operational Risk capital requirement. The fourth including "business environment and internal control...
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This paper investigates the generalized parametric measurement methods of aggregate operational risk in compliance with the regulatory capital standards for operational risk in the New Basel Capital Accord ("Basel II"). Operational risk is commonly defined as the risk of loss resulting from...
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This paper estimates an empirical nonstationary panel regression model that tests long-run consumption risk sharing across a sample of OECD and emerging market (EM) countries. This is in contrast to the existing literature on consumption risk sharing, which is mainly about risks at business...
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