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This case study explores the driving force of the productivity growth in Cambodia, one of the least developed countries. Quantitative and qualitative studies were used to analyze the source and impact of the input factors on the nation¡¯s productivity growth. For a quantitative study, a small...
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In this paper we show how the assumption that higher moments do not depend on the regressors can be exploited in a GMM framework, and we provide very simple estimators that are equivalent to GMM estimators. These simple estimators can be calculated by linear regressions which have been augmented...
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This paper develops procedures for the estimation of a common localizing parameter using panel data. Pooling information across individuals in a panel aids the identification and estimation of the localising parameter and leads to consistent estimation in somple panel models. However, in the...
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Dealing with endogenous regressors is a central challenge of applied research. The standard solution is to use instrumental variables that are assumed to be uncorrelated with unobservables. We instead assume (i) the correlation between the instrument and the error term has the same sign as the...
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This paper proposes finite-sample procedures for testing the SURE specification in multi-equation regression models, i.e. whether the disturbances in different equations are contemporaneously uncorrelated or not. We apply the technique of Monte Carlo (MC) tests [Dwass (1957), Barnard (1963)] to...
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The study defines a common scheme for study the conditions of a firm, approaches and models for determining optimal decisions. They are developed for firms from the wine production industry. Suggested are versions of development of the wine production. A total structure of the model is given....
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Econometrics is the area of statistics concerned in analyzing economic data, for both economic and business applications. This document, introduces the intermediate concepts of this area, for students already familiarized with basic econometric theory. In particular, topics concerning...
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Presented at the 2005 Econometric Society World Congress Plenary Session on "Modelling Heterogeneity". We survey the treatment of heterogeneity in applied microeconometrics analyses. There are three themes. First, there is usually much more heterogeneity than empirical researchers allow for....
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This paper presents a new multivariate test for the detection of unit roots. Use is made of the possible correlations between the disturbances of different series, and constrained and unconstrained SURE estimators are employed. The corresponding asymptotic distributions are obtained and a table...
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Recent empirical evidence suggests that reversing current account balances imply costly adjustment processes leading to reduced economic growth. Using large panel data sets to analyze determinants and costs of reversals asks for controls of heterogeneity among countries. This paper contributes a...
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