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second by combining the influence of catastrophes on claims amounts (severity risk) and on the probability of loss (frequency … risk). We show that the menu of contracts proposed in previous research, where only one type of catastrophe is considered …
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, borrowers take on less risk exposure than non-borrowers. A larger risk exposure by borrowers may occur as well, however …, borrowers' default policies render binary options useful instruments for lenders in hedging the credit-risk component of their … and volatility in contrast to the exogenously assumed constant mean and volatility in many credit risk models. We consider …
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governed by a stochastic process. We focus on model risk arising from different specifications for the mortality intensity. To … respect to misspecification of the mortality intensity. The model risk resulting from the uncertain mortality intensity is of …
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We propose a model for pricing a unit-linked life insurance policy embedding a surrender option. We consider both single and annual premium contracts. First we analyse a quite general contract, for which we obtain a backward recursive valuation formula based on the Cox, Ross and Rubinstein...
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constraints on dividends and bonuses payments. Banking on these regulations to raise prudence regarding risk taking among banks …
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In this paper, we present an economic model that allows a terminally ill policy-holder to decide whether or not to sell (part of) the policy in the viatical settlement market. The viatical settlement market emerged in the late 1980s in response to the AIDS epidemic. Nowadays it is part of the...
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governed by a stochastic process. We focus on model risk arising from different specifications for the mortality intensity. To … respect to misspecification of the mortality intensity. The model risk resulting from the uncertain mortality intensity is of …
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Modern Portfolio Theory and introduces the practical idea of treating some goals as constraints. How this works in practice …
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The insurance linked securities (ILS) market is an increasingly important alternative asset class for which risk and … return analysis differs from other asset classes. Measures of portfolio risk and return for an ILS portfolio are based on the … expected losses and expected excess returns over the risk free rate. Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) has found …
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Bu çalışma, 1990-2004 döneminde hayat-dışı alanlarda faaliyet gösteren Türk sigortacılık şirketlerinde teknik etkinliği incelemektedir. Bu doğrultuda iki yöntem kullanılmaktadır: Geleneksel veri zarflama analizi ve son dönemde geliştirilen şans-kısıtlı veri zarflama...
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