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In this chapter I argue that as a response to the introduction of capital requirements in the form of risk weights … that the new optimum has a lower risk. The effect of the regulation depends on several things, most importantly the … correlation between individual investments, investor preferences and the relative size of risk weights. …
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ermöglicht die Anwendung von Copulas in zahlreichen Bereichen der Finanzwirtschaft, vom Risikomanagement über die Bewertung von …
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stationary. Multi-dimensional optimization problem is formulated in terms of risk-sensitivity matrix (RSM), allocation & yield … VcV matrix and RSM, which is specified by risk budgeting & duration management. So, optimal allocation is conditional on … RSM, i.e. on risk & portfolio management strategies. Instantly efficient portfolio derived from static one …
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We report on progress on a Multistage Stochastic programming model for managing risks in the Danish MBS market. An issuer has the choice between adjustable and fixed rates, both types having various options. An integrated interest-rate and optimization model is needed to manage this complex...
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We study the use of derivatives in the Spanish mutual fund industry. The picture that emerges from our analysis is rather negative. In general, the use of derivatives does not improve the performance of the funds. In only one out of eight categories we find some (very weak and not robust)...
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: the effective risk banks accept to take by providing the offers, specific risks in financing this sector, the problem of … the balance between risk and profit return (or market share increase). …
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additional delivery risk on hedgers. This paper derives the optimal production and futures hedging strategy for a risk …-averse competitive firm in the presence of delivery risk. We show that, depending on its relative valuation, the delivery option may … induce the firm to produce more than in the absence of delivery risk. If delivery risk is additively related to commodity …
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Stop-loss rules-predetermined policies that reduce a portfolio's exposure after reaching a certain threshold of cumulative losses-are commonly used by retail and institutional in- vestors to manage the risks of their investments, but have also been viewed with some skep- ticism by critics who...
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This paper investigates whether the risk faced by rural farmers in Zimbabwe could poten- tially be managed by using …’ investment portfolio thereby potentially diversifying and consequently reducing the risk they face. Such investment could also …
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