Showing 1 - 10 of 52
Det övergripande syftet med denna rapport är att med hjälp av ekonomisk teori och ekonometriska metoder försöka klargöra vilka faktorer som historiskt påverkat utvecklingen av elpriset. Av specifikt intresse är en analys av hur avregleringen 1996 påverkat elmarknaden och därmed...
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This paper studies whether the commonly used linear parametric model for estimating aggregate energy demand is the correct functional specification for the data generating process. Parametric and nonparametric econometric approaches to analyzing aggregate energy demand data for 17 OECD countries...
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This paper examines convergence of per capita carbon dioxide (CO2) emission for a panel of 124 countries taking into account the impact of the quality of government institutions. The analysis builds on both parametric and nonparametric panel data techniques, and we examine the beta-convergence...
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A large body of literature explores convergence in environmental performance (EP) using a simple measure of the percentage change of per capita CO2 as dependent variable and the level of per capita CO2 and GDP as explanatory variables. As such it conforms to the standard convergence literature...
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This thesis consists of four self-contained papers related to energy demand and household cooking energy.<p> Paper [I] examine the impact of price, income and non-economic factors on gasoline demand using a structural time series model. The results indicated that non-economic factors did have an...</p>
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This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical literature connected to the so called Porter Hypothesis. That is, to review the literature connected to the discussion about the relation between environmental policy and competitiveness. According to the conventional wisdom environmental policy,...
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The objective of this paper is to shed some empirical light on the price development and price formation for wood fuel used by the Swedish district heating sector. According to Lönner (1998), there is a significant potential for increasing the use of wood fuel in Sweden, and that at a...
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The main purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between pollution and income at household level. The study is motivated by the recent literature emphasizing the importance of income distribution for the aggregate relation between pollution and income. The main findings from...
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In this paper we provide an analysis of tax reforms along the lines of the multimarket welfare measurement techniques suggested by Just, Hueth, and Schmitz. A key purpose of our analysis is to shed light on the approximating features of partial equilibrium models. We derive a result on the...
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This paper presents an approach for studying the socio-economic benefits and costs (CBA) of the introduction of intensified management measures in forestry. Besides from valuation of changes in timber production, assessments of different types of externalities are included in them assessment....
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