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In this paper we examine the main aspects of Italian factoring market and its evolution during last two decades. Moreover, we analyze the characteristics of firms accessing this kind of financing. In Italy factoring market size is the third in the world in absolute terms (amount of turnover),...
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This paper explores the latest trends in Romanian investment fund industry by examining the investors’ prudentially behavior before and after the crisis. We focus our study on a data set from the Romanian National Securities Commission (abr. CNVMR), with evidence on quarterly data on net sales...
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Az államadósság után fizetett kamatok egyik lényeges összetevője a szuverén kibocsátó (az állam és a jegybank) kockázati felára, amely a befektetőket az adós nem fizetési kockázatáért kárpótolja. E kockázat (államkockázat) és az érte követelt felár tanulmányozása...
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A világ tőkepiacain zajló koncentrációs folyamat során egyre jobban érezhető a tőzsdék élesedő versenye. Ez megmutatkozik a kibocsátókért, a tőzsdetagokért folytatott versenyfutásban, valamint a kereskedési rendszerek hatékonyságra és rugalmasságra törekvésében. Ezért...
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Generally, information provision and certification have been identified as the major economic functions of rating agencies. This paper analyzes whether the watchlist (rating review) instrument has extended the agencies' role towards a monitoring position, as proposed by Boot, Milbourn, and...
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The Bolivian evidence shows that microfinance lending technologies are well designed to cope with different kinds of risk. The innovations provided in this financial sector show more strengths than weaknesses to overcome information asymmetries. Furthermore, group and individual loans are...
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Informal investors play a key role to meet the financing needs of business projects in early stages. However, this is a group in which there are different kinds and ways of dealing with investment. One of these profiles is associated with the figure known as business angel, whose main...
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The lack of access to financial services and to credit in particular is an issue in many developing countries. This paper studies the channels through which new borrowers get access to consumer loans and the effect of repayment data distribution both on that access and on subsequent bank...
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The financial services turmoil and consumers change have created market fragmentation and are putting high emphasis on price. Consequently, the ability to provide products and services on a cost-effective basis may not always increase margins but also exacerbate a price competition. As a result...
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This paper analyzes the methods of rating attribution of the major international agencies (Moody’s, Fitch and Standard & Poor’s) between 2005 and 2010 for a sample of Italian and European listed banks and tests empirically, through the multivariate analysis of Ols, the possible relations of...
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