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A közszféra munkahelyként történő választását a jövedelmen kívül más szempon tok is motiválják. A biztonság iránti igény mögött nemcsak belső késztetés, hanem családi okok is meghúzódhatnak. Több olyan családi körülményt azonosítottunk, ami valószínűbbé teszi,...
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A tanulmány a munkanélküli-ellátások két csoportjának (1. munkanélküli-járadék, álláskeresési és átképzési támogatás, valamint a 2. rendszeres szociális segély) célzását vizsgálta a KSH 2004. évi jövedelemfelvételének adatain. Azt találtuk, hogy a kétféle...
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Magyarországon 2001-ben 57 százalékkal, 2002-ben újabb 25 százalékkal emelkedett a minimálbér. Az emelések hatásait vizsgáló tanulmányok a foglalkoztatási hatásokra koncentráltak, nem foglalkoztak az újraelosztási szempontokkal. Ebben a cikkben a KSH háztartási...
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In this paper, we examine the general properties of the Neighbourhood Sorting Index (NSI) introduced by Jargowski (1996) and their intuitive interpretation, illustrating the inverse relation between neighbourhood's homogeneity and segregation. The use of the NSI is illustrated measuring and...
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Many literatures investigate the causal impact of income on economic outcomes, for example in the context of intergenerational transmission or well-being and health. Some studies have proposed to use employer wage differentials and in particular industry affiliation as an instrument for income....
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We study how a mortgage reform that exogenously increased access to credit had an impact on entrepreneurship, using individual-level micro data from Denmark. The reform allows us to disentangle the role of credit access from wealth effects that typically confound analyses of the collateral...
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Traditional political economy models of taxation fail to explain why there is so little redistribution of wealth despite significant wealth inequalites. This is for two reasons: (1) The median voter approach cannot deal with a multidimensional policy-space and (2) wealth taxation affects...
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Does redistribution increase inequality? Is inequality harmfiil for growth? Both questions have recently been addressed in a number of single-tax models. In this paper, I examine the relationship between policy, growth and inequality when income and wealth can be taxed at different rates. In the...
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Modern macroeconomics empirically addresses economy-wide incentives behind economic actions by using insights from the way a single representative household would behave. This analytical approach requires that incentives of the poor and the rich are strictly aligned. In empirical analysis a...
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Most simulated micro-founded macro models use solely consumer-demand aggregates in order to estimate deep economy-wide preference parameters, which are useful for policy evaluation. The underlying demand-aggregation properties that this approach requires, should be easy to empirically disprove:...
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