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The basic paradigm of asset pricing is in vibrant flux. The purely rational approach is being subsumed by a broader approach based upon the psychology of investors. In this approach, security expected returns are determined by both risk and misvaluation. This survey sketches a framework for...
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This paper studies the prevalence of the disposition effect in individual traders in the Australian equities market. In particular, we examine the effect of demographics and Chinese ethnicity on trading behaviour. The relationship between ethnic background and trading behaviour has not...
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The present paper reviews two fundamental investing paradigms, which have had a substantial impact on the manner investors tend to develop their own strategies. specifically, the study elaborates on efficient market hypothesis (emh), which, despite remaining most prominent and popular until the...
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Tanulmányunkban a viselkedési pénzügyekből ismert diszpozíciós hatást vizsgáljuk, amely szerint a befektetők túl sokáig tartják veszteséges és korán realizálják nyereséges pozícióikat. A magyar felsőoktatási hallgatók körében 2009-ben és 2010-ben valós pénzzel...
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A világ tőkepiacain zajló koncentrációs folyamat során egyre jobban érezhető a tőzsdék élesedő versenye. Ez megmutatkozik a kibocsátókért, a tőzsdetagokért folytatott versenyfutásban, valamint a kereskedési rendszerek hatékonyságra és rugalmasságra törekvésében. Ezért...
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Banks are optimally opaque institutions. They produce debt for use as a transaction medium (bank money), which requires that information about the backing assets - loans - not be revealed, so that bank money does not fluctuate in value, reducing the efficiency of trade. This need for opacity...
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We test whether asymmetric preferences for losses versus gains as in Ang, Chen, and Xing (2006) also affect the pricing of cash flow versus discount rate news as in Campbell and Vuolteenaho (2004). We construct a new four-fold beta decomposition, distinguishing cash flow and discount rate betas...
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The problem of capital allocation to a set of strategies could be partially avoided or at least greatly simplified with an appropriate strategy approval decision process. This paper proposes such a procedure. We begin by splitting the capital allocation problem into two sequential stages:...
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Se evalúa el rendimiento ex-dividendo en acciones colombianas entre 1999 y 2007, periodo que incluye la conformación en julio de 2001 de la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, resultado de la integración de tres bolsas previamente existentes. Contrario a la hipótesis de eficiencia de mercado, se...
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Alan Greenspan’s paper (March 2010) presents his retrospective view of the crisis. His theme has several parts. First, the housing price bubble, its subsequent collapse, and the financial crisis were not predicted either by the market, the Fed, the IMF, or the regulators in the years leading...
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