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After the EU enlargement of May 2004, the exchange of agro-food goods between the EU 15 and the new member states (NMS) has accelerated considerably. In particular the expansion of Polish exports in 2005 resulted in the highest surplus registered by the NMS 4 (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland,...
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The impact of integration into the European Union on Polish agriculture. The food industry during integration into the European Union. The impact of the common agricultural policy on agricultural markets. The competitiveness of Polish food producers after accession to the European Union.
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Agricultural policy in relation to economic and social competitiveness. Competitiveness and progress in polish agriculture and mid-term forecast. Development trends and competitiveness of Polish food industry. Impact of CAP instruments on Polish agro-food economy. The CAP financing in 2014-2020....
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Common Agricultural Policy and the regional diversification of Polish farming. The Structural Changes in the Rural Areas and Agriculture: the Case of the Czech Republic. Structural Changes in the Agri-Food Sector and in Rural Areas of Hungary. Regional differences of Bulgarian rural development....
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Conditions of the development and global challenges for the agri-food sector in Poland. The main direction of the Romanian agricultural sector evolution following the EU integration. The Common Agricultural Policy in the function of organic production development in EU. The assessment of EU...
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Evaluation of the potential of Polish agriculture and the impact of the new CAP programmes in 2014-2020 on increasing its competitiveness in the European Union and in the world. Distributional and income effects of direct payments under the new CAP – the case of Germany. Effects of the new...
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The Condition of the Polish Food Economy Following the Accession to the European Union. Impact of the Common Agricultural Policy upon the Agricultural Markets in Poland. Competitiveness of the Polish Food Sector after the Accession to the European Union. Public Resources as the Source for...
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Die Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik (GAP) der EU entstand in den Gründungsjahren der Europäischen Gemeinschaft und beruhte auf dem Ziel, preiswerte Nahrungsmittel in ausreichender Menge anzubieten. Seitdem wurde die GAP mehrfach reformiert. Das heutige Ziel der GAP ist die Gewährleistung von gesunden...
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Auf dem so genannten Krisengipfel der Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU-Mitgliedsländer im Sommer dieses Jahres kam starke Kritik vor allem vom britischen Premier Tony Blair an den "hohen Agrarsubventionen" auf. Auch wenn die Frage des EU-Agrarhaushaltes mittlerweile wieder in den Hintergrund...
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Der Prozeß der europäischen Integration hat in den letzten Jahren ein vorher nicht gekanntes Tempo erreicht. Die Vollendung des Binnenmarktes führte in weiten Bereichen zu einer gegenseitigen Anerkennung oder Hamonisierung von variierenden Standards, Normen und Regulierungen zwischen den...
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