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We investigate the role of jumps in transmitting volatility between foreign exchange markets (Engle, Ito, and Lin, 1990 … different implications for the impact of jumps on exchange rate volatility transmission. Specifically, isolated and successive … jumps have opposite predictions for future volatility. Although the realized volatility literature finds that heat wave …
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We first illustrate that emerging markets (EMs) face a shortage of financial assets, with financial assets not growing as rapidly as domestic savings. We then estimate the asset shortage in EMs for 1995-2008. We develop a model that explains how asset shortage develop, and then econometrically...
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This paper reviews the economics of trade policy in financial services, highlighting differences between trade across borders and through commercial presence. Trade liberalization could complement other financial reforms by enhancing the efficiency, quality, and variety of financial services and...
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This note, prepared ahead of the G20 Summit (November 15), builds upon the points laid out in the Managing Director’s letter to the Heads of State and Government (November 9). It lays out two tasks ahead for policy makers. Policies for now should cover:(i)implementing and coordinating...
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This volume examines the impact on economic performance of structural policies-policies that increase the role of market forces and competition in the economy, while maintaining appropriate regulatory frameworks. The results reflect a new dataset covering reforms of domestic product markets,...
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Since the Asian crisis, ASEAN5 countries have expended considerable effort in trying to develop their domestic bond markets. Yet today these markets are not much larger, relative to GDP, than they were a decade before. How can we explain this? And does this mean that domestic markets have not,...
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Estimation of volatility of financial time series plays a crucial role in pricing derivatives. Volatility is often … estimated from historical data; however, it is well known that volatility varies in time. We propose a method to choose a … suitable length of historical data to estimate contemporary volatility. The method is based on adaptation of a procedure used …
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This paper presents a general method for pricing weather derivatives. Specification tests find that a temperature series for Fresno, California follows a mean-reverting Brownian motion process with discrete jumps and ARCH errors. Based on this process, we define an equilibrium pricing model for...
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This paper focuses on the impact of full capital account liberalization on macroeconomic volatility in Greece … reduce macroeconomic volatility. The link between macroeconomic volatility and capital account openness in the Greek economy …. There is no strong evidence for a stable relation between macroeconomic volatility and variables of financial openness. Thus …
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