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Luigi Bodio (1840-1920) was an Italian economist and statistician, considered one of the founders of the Italian Statistics. He was one of the 21 founding members of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) in 1885, ISI Director-General during the first 20 years (1885-1905) and ISI...
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Alan S. Milward was an economic historian who developed an implicit theory of historical change. His interpretation which was neither liberal nor Marxist posited that social, political, and economic change, for it to be sustainable, had to be a gradual process rather than one resulting from a...
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In the attempt to deepen the understanding of Keynes's thought as an international macroeconomist, we explore the hypothesis of consistency between his general methodological approach to the economic material and his way of reasoning about international economic relations as shaped by WWI. We...
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The paper aims at showing that revisiting Keynes's early writings on international economic relations and some less well-known episodes of his economic diplomacy, with special attention being paid to the methodological issues involved, may disclose useful insights in understanding the features...
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This paper examines Keynes's thoughts on the economic causes of war. Though an issue upon which the classical economists and their popularisers wrote much, the links between economics and war has become, beyond an unthinking acceptance of the pacific qualities of free trade, an issue largely...
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The crisis of the 'chaise vide' (empty chair), July 1965-January 1966, represented the greatest danger of break-up for the EEC. Its fundamental cause was the collision between two opposite ideas about the process of European integration: the view of intergovernmental, confederal cooperation, as...
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A tanulmány a demokrácia két közgazdaságtani elméletét mutatja be. A demokrácia klasszikus elmélete a közjó fogalmára épült: a klasszikus politikai filozófia érvelése szerint a demokrácia intézménye a közjó megvalósulásának eszköze. Schumpeter bírálta a klasszikus...
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Az eposzok szerzői pontosan tudták, hogy segítségre van szükségük, ha feladatuk és hőseik nagyságához méltóan, az igazságnak megfelelően akarják megénekelni választott tárgyukat. Mit tegyünk akkor, ha a feladat nem szabad választás útján, hanem szomorú diktátum alapján...
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A szerző Ronald Harry Coase módszertani nézeteit igyekszik bemutatni. Érzékelteti, hogy a chicagói iskolán belül is komoly véleménykülönbségeket figyelhetünk meg a közgazdaságtan módszertanát illetően. A két Nobeldíjas chicagói közgazdász - Friedman és Coase - közötti...
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Based on the ontological and epistemological problems and solutions exposed in the previous paper, we scrutinize the philosophical grounds of three main schools of economics. They are not opposing one another as solid blocks of incompatible ideas and theories, but each school contains...
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