Showing 1 - 10 of 453
A Bázel-2 tőkeegyezmény magyarországi bevezetése új lendületet adott a sokváltozós csőd-előrejelzési módszerek alkalmazásnak és továbbfejlődésének. A cikk a nemzetközi szakirodalomban és pénzintézeti gyakorlatban leggyakrabban alkalmazott négy csőd-előrejelzési...
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This paper aims to introduce a nonlinear model to forecast macroeconomic time series using a large number of predictors. The technique used to summarize the predictors in a small number of variables is Principal Component Analysis (PC), while the method used to capture nonlinearity is artificial...
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El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es analizar la demanda de energía eléctrica en Bolivia con base en el pronóstico de series de tiempo. La predicción de datos futuros desde la perspectiva económica es importante porque se utiliza para optimizar la asignación de la energía...
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El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es mostrar el impacto de las amenazas de la inundación, la sequía y la helada en el bienestar de las diferentes regiones de Bolivia, tomando a las vulnerabilidades como variables de aproximación a los indicadores socioeconómicos de...
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Finance and financial markets were at the heart of the global economic crisis that began in August 2007. 2010 has seen the transformation of the global financial crisis into a sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone. Starting from Greece, the debt crisis has put intense pressure on the bonds of...
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This paper presents a hybrid model for predicting the occurrence of currency crises by using the artificial intelligence tools. The model combines the learning ability of the artificial neural network (ANN) with the inference mechanism of the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) technique. Thus,...
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Zaman serisi analizi ile borsa endeksinin gelecek degerlerini ongorme, finans alaninda oldukca ilgi goren bir konudur. Borsa endeks ongorusu icin kullanilan farkli zaman serisi yontemleri bulunmaktadir. Bu yontemlerden biri, son yillarda bircok arastirmada kullanildigi gorulen Yapay Sinir Aglari...
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Bu calismada, 24 gecis ekonomisi icin disa acikliktan kaynaklanan risk ile kamu kesimi buyuklugu arasinda pozitif yonlu bir iliskinin oldugunu one suren Rodrik hipotezinin gecerliligi 1990-2011 donemi icin sinanmistir. Ampirik analizin ilk kisminda, demokratik yapisi guclu gecis ulkelerinin...
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A pressing reality which companies must deal with is the accelerated emergence of the networks, physical or virtual, which play an increasingly important role in business. Networks configuration determines the markets dynamics, business organisation. However, the access to knowledge is not...
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We reconsider the replication problem for contingent claims in a complete market under a general framework. Since there are various limitations in the Black-Scholes pricing formula, we propose a new method to obtain an explicit self-financing trading strategy expression for replications of...
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