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Firm-level stock volatility has increased significantly since 1962 and varies widely across industries. Recent literature shows that the excessive and persistent stock volatility can be well explained by fundamental uncertainties. This paper conducted panel data analyses on 415 firms during...
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In this paper, we study the following models : Heath-Jarrow-Morton (1992) and Libor-Market- Model, also known as Brace-Gatarek-Musiela model (1997). We survey the extensions of these models and their representation in the Black and Scholes world. Our approach is pedagogical and is based on an...
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Dans cet essai, nous présentons deux nouveaux estimateurs qui ont la propriété d’être convergents en présence d’erreurs de mesure sur les variables. Ces estimateurs sont basés sur les cumulants d’ordre deux et trois de la matrice des variables explicatives. Nous présentons...
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En recourant de plus en plus aux modèles à forme réduite, la théorie de l'évaluation du risque de crédit se distance de plus en plus de l'ingénierie financière traditionnelle qui donne la part belle aux modèles structurels. Bien qu'ils postulent l'absence d'arbitrage, les modèles à...
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Plusieurs gestionnaires de portefeuille pensent encore à tort qu’une couverture delta suffit pour protéger leur portefeuille contre les fluctuations des marchés financiers. Mais une augmentation marquée de la volatilité des cours boursiers les décevra dans leurs attentes. Après avoir...
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Monte Carlo simulation has an advantage upon the binomial tree as it can take into account the multidimensions of a problem. However it convergence speed is slower. In this article, we show how this method may be improved by various means: antithetic variables, control variates and low...
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In this paper, we simulate portfolios which aim to insure the invested capital. The object of our simulations is the duplication of the cashflows of strategies based on options. We initially show how to duplicate the cash-flows of a call by using a leveraged portfolio of stocks. After, we...
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Debt with many creditors is analyzed in a continuous-time pricing model of the levered firm. We specifically allow for debtor opportunism vis-a-vis a non-coordinated group of creditors, in form of repeated strategic renegotiation offers and default threats. We show that the creditors' initial...
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Une methodologie alternative aux modeles multicriteres fondes sur l'etude economique et financiere de la firme est proposee afin d'estimer le risque de defaut des entreprises et d'elaborer un indicateur du risque de faillite. Nous recourons a une methode de Gestion Actif - Passif d'estimation...
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A "shock therapy" might have different impacts between large and small firms. In this paper, we focus on the clients of two large failed Japanese banks - the Long-term Credit Bank of Japan (LTCB) and the Nippon Credit Bank (NCB). We first show that subsequent events after the bank failures...
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